
Found 8077 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
L. Svejcar, Clenet, D. R., Guetling, C. H., and Davies, K. W., Activated Carbon Seed Technology Protects Seedlings From Two Pre-emergent Herbicides Applied in Tandem, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 96, pp. 67 - 71, 2024.
K. Wollstein, Johnson, D. D., and Boyd, C. S., Assessing Conservation Readiness: The Where, Who, and How of Strategic Conservation in the Sagebrush Biome, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 187 - 199, 2024.
T. Harris, Johnson, D. D., and O'Connor, R., A brief history of sagebrush management in the Great Basin: From removal to reduction and beyond, Rangelands, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63 - 71, 2024.
R. O'Connor, Boyd, C. S., Naugle, D. E., and Smith, J. T., The Carbon Security Index: A Novel Approach to Assessing How Secure Carbon Is in Sagebrush Ecosystems Within the Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 169 - 177, 2024.
M. C. Holdrege, Palmquist, K. A., Schlaepfer, D. R., Lauenroth, W. K., Boyd, C. S., Creutzburg, M. K., Crist, M. R., Doherty, K. E., Remington, T. E., Tull, J. C., Wiechman, L. A., and Bradford, J. B., Climate Change Amplifies Ongoing Declines in Sagebrush Ecological Integrity, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 25 - 40, 2024.
M. C. Holdrege, Palmquist, K. A., Schlaepfer, D. R., Lauenroth, W. K., Boyd, C. S., Creutzburg, M. K., Crist, M. R., Doherty, K. E., Remington, T. E., Tull, J. C., Wiechman, L. A., and Bradford, J. B., Climate Change Amplifies Ongoing Declines in Sagebrush Ecological Integrity, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 25 - 40, 2024.
M. F. Case, Davies, K. W., Boyd, C. S., Aoyama, L., Merson, J., Penkauskas, C., and Hallett, L. M., Cross-Scale Analysis Reveals Interacting Predictors of Annual and Perennial Cover in Northern Great Basin Rangelands, Ecological Applications , vol. 34, no. 4, 2024.
M. F. Case, Davies, K. W., Boyd, C. S., Aoyama, L., Merson, J., Penkauskas, C., and Hallett, L. M., Cross‐Scale Analysis Reveals Interacting Predictors of Annual and Perennial Cover in Northern Great Basin Rangelands, Ecological Applications, 2024.
P. J. Olsoy, Zaiats, A., Delparte, D. M., Germino, M. J., Richardson, B. A., Roser, A. V., Forbey, J. S., Cattau, M. E., and T. Caughlin, T., Demography with Drones: Detecting Growth and Survival of Shrubs with Unoccupied Aerial Systems, Restoration Ecology, 2024.
J. L. Funk, Larson, J. E., Blair, M. D., Nguyen, M. A., and Rivera, B. J., Drought Response in Herbaceous Plants: A Test of the Integrated Framework of Plant Form and Function, Functional Ecology, 2024.