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H. Mahyou, Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., Louhaichi, M., and Mimouni, J., A Knowledge-Based Approach for Mapping Land Degradation in the Arid Rangelands of North Africa, Land Degradation & Development, vol. 277242626261215153-154364137393718745870902672179232525241601038633424671348421724252892849262556581132316744220262424652626, no. 6, pp. 1574 - 1585, 2016.
D. E. Johnson, Johnson, M. D., Harris, N. R., Louhaichi, M., and Ganskopp, D. C., KRESS Modeler Version 1.12 User’s Manual, The KRESS Project. Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2004.
N. R. Harris, Louhaichi, M., and Johnson, D. E., Laboratory manual for landscape ecology: spatial analysis of landscape data., in Range Science Series Report #7, Corvallis, OR: Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, 2004, p. 300.
M. Tarhouni, Ben Hmida, W., Belgacem, A. Ouled, Louhaichi, M., and Neffati, M., Is long-term protection useful for the regeneration of disturbed plant communities in dry areas?, African Journal of Ecology, vol. 5511695255375675262246725348113132411924254047474161820520142062562, no. 4, pp. 509 - 517, 2017.
A. Mirzabaev, Ahmed, M., Werner, J., Pender, J., and Louhaichi, M., Rangelands of Central Asia: challenges and opportunities, Journal of Arid Land, vol. 891830105921182977524122433356604826822517, no. 11–312334321311241123461, pp. 93 - 108, 2016.
M. Louhaichi, Young, W. C., and Johnson, D. E., Reliability of yield mapping system for estimating perennial ryegrass seed yield., Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, pp. 133–138, 2013.
M. Louhaichi, Hassan, S., Clifton, K., and Johnson, D. E., A reliable & non-destructive method for estimating forage shrub cover & biomass in arid environments using digital vegetation charting technique, Agroforestry Systems, no. 5A36421412231212001200135–364361, 2017.
M. Louhaichi, Hassan, S., Ate, S., and Nefzaoui, A., SCREENING FOR COLD TOLERANT CACTUS SPECIES (OPUNTIA FICUS-INDICA) FOR WEST ASIA REGION, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1067, pp. 259 - 265, 2015.
L. L. Larson, Johnson, D. E., Wilson, M., Wilson, K., Louhaichi, M., and Williams, J. D., Spatial occupancy patterns and activity of arid rangeland cattle grazing small riparian pastures, Animal Science Journal, vol. 884758583534373654735133823838, no. 3, pp. 553 - 558, 2017.
S. Ates, ÇİÇEK, H., Lindsay, W., Hayley, C. N., Mayberry, D. E., Kassam, S., Hannaway, D. B., and Louhaichi, M., Sustainable Development of Smallholder Crop-Livestock Farming in Developing Countries, 4th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, vol. 142. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Solo, Indonesia, 2017.
D. E. Johnson, Vulfson, M., Louhaichi, M., and Harris, N. R., VegMeasure Version 1.6 User’s Manual, VegMeasure Project. Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2003.