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Journal Article
E. Conlisk, Motheral, S., Chung, R., Wisinski, C., and Endress, B. A., Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis), Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42 - 51, 2014.
E. Conlisk, Motheral, S., Chung, R., Wisinski, C., and Endress, B. A., Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis), Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42–51, 2014.
M. Wisdom, Rowland, M., Averett, J. P., Bohnert, D. W., DeBano, S. J., and Endress, B. A., Ungulate Grazing Relationships with Riparian Restoration: Meadow Creek Experiment, National Stream and Aquatic Ecology Center, no. Summer 2021, pp. 1-8, 2021.
B. K. Pekin, Wisdom, M. J., Endress, B. A., Naylor, B. J., and Parks, C. G., Ungulate browsing maintains shrub diversity in the absence of episodic disturbance in seasonally-arid conifer forest., PLoS One, vol. 9, no. 1, p. e86288, 2014.
B. K. Pekin, Wisdom, M. J., Endress, B. A., Naylor, B. J., and Parks, C. G., Ungulate browsing maintains shrub diversity in the absence of episodic disturbance in seasonally-arid conifer forest, 2014.
B. K. Pekin, Wisdom, M. J., Endress, B. A., Naylor, B. J., and Parks, C. G., Ungulate Browsing Maintains Shrub Diversity in the Absence of Episodic Disturbance in Seasonally-Arid Conifer Forest, PLoS ONE, vol. 913421137258351127644232611509141181133588660131462801558878237516, no. 1, p. e86288, 2014.
B. A. Endress, Gorchov, D. L., and Berry, E. J., Sustainability of a non-timber forest product: Effects of alternative leaf harvest practices over 6 years on yield and demography of the palm Chamaedorea radicalis, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 234, no. 1-3, pp. 181 - 191, 2006.
B. A. Endress, Gorchov, D. L., and Berry, E. J., Sustainability of a non-timber forest product: effects of alternative leaf harvest practices over 6 years on yield and demography of the palm Chamaedorea radicalis, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 234, pp. 181–191, 2006.
E. J. Berry, Gorchov, D. L., Endress, B. A., and Stevens, M. Henry H., Source-sink dynamics within a plant population: the impact of substrate and herbivory on palm demography, Population Ecology, no. 1, pp. 63 - 77, 2008.
E. J. Berry, Gorchov, D. L., Endress, B. A., and Stevens, M. Henry H., Source-sink dynamics within a plant population: the impact of substrate and herbivory on palm demography, Population Ecology, vol. 50, pp. 63–77, 2008.
M. P. Gilmore, Endress, B. A., Horn, C. M., and , The socio-cultural importance of Mauritia flexuosa palm swamps (aguajales) and implications for multi-use management in two Maijuna communities of the Peruvian Amazon, J Ethnobiol Ethnomed, vol. 9, pp. 29–52, 2013.
M. P. Gilmore, Endress, B. A., and Horn, C. M., The socio-cultural importance of Mauritia flexuosa palm swamps (aguajales) and implications for multi-use management in two Maijuna communities of the Peruvian Amazon, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 29, 2013.
L. Lopez-Toledo, Portillo-Cruz, Y., Pulido, íaT., and Endress, B. A., Seed dynamics of an endemic palm in a Northwestern Mexican tropical dry forest: implications for population spatial structure, Plant Ecology, vol. 214, no. 9, pp. 1115 - 1125, 2013.
L. Lopez-Toledo, Anten, N. P. R., Endress, B. A., Ackerly, D. D., and Martínez-Ramos, M., Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm, Journal of Ecology, vol. 100, pp. 1245–1256, 2012.
L. Lopez-Toledo, Anten, N. P. R., Endress, B. A., Ackerly, D. D., and Martínez-Ramos, M., Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm, Journal of Ecology, vol. 1001584927926012161579230111289472341485824080972612269740117751553227013263717, no. 5, pp. 1245 - 1256, 2012.
J. D. Ash, Gorchov, D. L., and Endress, B. A., Rapid Assessment of Sustainable Harvesting of Leaves from the Understory Palm, Chamaedorea radicalis, The Southwestern Naturalist, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 70 - 80, 2013.
J. D. Ash, Gorchov, D. L., and Endress, B. A., Rapid Assessment of Sustainable Harvesting of Leaves from the Understory Palm, Chamaedorea radicalis, The Southwestern Naturalist, vol. 58, pp. 70–80, 2013.
K. M. Andersen, Naylor, B. J., Endress, B. A., and Parks, C. G., Patterns of non-native plant species invasions in the Wallowa Mountains, Northeast Oregon, USA, Biological Invasions, 2017.
B. A. Endress, Gorchov, D. L., and Noble, R. B., NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCT EXTRACTION: EFFECTS OF HARVEST AND BROWSING ON AN UNDERSTORY PALM, Ecological Applications, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1139 - 1153, 2004.
B. A. Endress, Gorchov, D. L., and Noble, R. B., Non-timber forest product extraction: effects of harvest and browsing on an understory palm, Ecological Applications, vol. 14, pp. 1139–1153, 2004.
C. G. Parks, Radosevich, S. R., Endress, B. A., Naylor, B. J., Anzinger, D., Rew, L. J., Maxwell, B. D., and Dwire, K. A., Natural and land-use history of the Northwest mountain ecoregions (USA) in relation to patterns of plant invasions, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, vol. 7, pp. 137–158, 2005.