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, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue decomposition on soil biota population dynamics”, Proceedings of the International Congress of Ecology. Manchester, England., 1994.
, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue decomposition on soil organisms and activities”, Proceedings of 94th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Las Vegas, Nevada, 1994.
, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue on nematodes, microarthropods and microbial population dynamics”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Nematology. Symposium, Belgium, 1994.
, “Decomposition of genetically engineered tobacco under field conditions: Persistence of the proteinase inhibitor I product and effects on soil organisms”, Proceedings of the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Symposium. Pensacola, FL, 1995.
, “Effects of transgenic plants on the soil ecosystem”, Proceedings of the National Conference of the Soil Ecology Society. Fort Collins, CO, 1995.