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P. N. Miklas, Porter, L. D., Kelly, J. D., and Myers, J. R., Characterization of white mold disease avoidance in common bean, European Journal of Plant Pathology, vol. 1352466810716412249881034597469045607139640424399475547325332411284647555513032473413541293912469686827255051224216790499464, no. 3026, pp. 525 - 543, 2013.
P. N. Miklas, Fourie, é, Trapp, J., Myers, J. R., and Davies, K. W., New Loci Including Pse-6 Conferring Resistance to Halo Bacterial Blight on Chromosome Pv04 in Common Bean, Crop Science, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2099-2108, 2014.