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Filters: Keyword is Inflammation and Author is Rodrigo S Marques [Clear All Filters]
“Effects of intravenous lipopolysaccharide administration on feed intake, ruminal forage degradability, and liquid parameters and physiological responses in beef cattle.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 95, no. 7, pp. 2859-2870, 2017.
, “Effects of Oral Meloxicam Administration to Beef Cattle Receiving Lipopolysaccharide Administration or Vaccination Against Respiratory Pathogens”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 10, pp. 5018 - 5027, 2015.
, “Effects of vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease virus on reproductive performance of Bos indicus beef cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 401 - 405, 2016.
, “Effects of vaccination against respiratory pathogens on feed intake, metabolic, and inflammatory responses in beef heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 9, p. 4443, 2015.