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“Eighty Years of Grazing by Cattle Modifies Sagebrush and Bunchgrass Structure”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 275 - 280, 2018.
, “Effects of Using Winter Grazing as a Fuel Treatment on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Communities”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 179 - 184, 2016.
, “Winter grazing can reduce wildfire size, intensity and behaviour in a shrub-grassland”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 191, 2015.
, “Effects of Long-Term Livestock Grazing on Fuel Characteristics in Rangelands: An Example From the Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 662 - 669, 2010.
, “Interaction of historical and nonhistorical disturbances maintains native plant communities”, Ecological Applications, vol. 193923605913, no. 6, pp. 1536 - 1545, 2009.
, “Restoration of Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe Following Prescribed Burning to Control Western Juniper”, Environmental Management, vol. 531434275847782239473281657616314466229105585553602910656423037, no. 5, pp. 1015 - 1022, 2014.
, “Restoring big sagebrush after controlling encroaching western juniper with fire: aspect and subspecies effects”, Restoration Ecology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 33 - 41, 2017.
, “The Response of Thurber’s Needlegrass to Fall Prescribed Burning”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 188 - 193, 2008.
, “Longer Term Rest from Grazing: A Response to Jones & Carter”, Journal of Rangeland Applications, vol. 3, pp. 9–15, 2016.
, “Living with Exotic Annual Grasses in the Sagebrush Ecosystem”, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 288, no. June 2021, pp. 1-11, 2021.
, “Ecological benefits of strategically applied livestock grazing in sagebrush communities”, Ecosphere, vol. 15, no. 5, 2024.