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Filters: Keyword is Cattle and Author is David C. Ganskopp [Clear All Filters]
“Slope Use by Cattle, Feral Horses, Deer, and Bighorn Sheep”, Northwest Science, vol. 61, 1987.
, “Influence of protein supplementation frequency on cows consuming low-quality forage: Performance, grazing behavior, and variation in supplement intake”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 83, pp. 1715–1725, 2005.
, “Influence of protein supplementation frequency on cows consuming low-quality forage: Performance, grazing behavior, and variation in supplement intake”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 83615479707249818080436630556812679167173B-15266715774574767167SR-760438126786015B-102571785939, no. 7, pp. 1715 - 1725, 2005.
, “GPS Error in Studies Addressing Animal Movements and Activities”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 350 - 358, 2007.
, “GPS Collar Sampling Frequency: Effects on Measures of Resource Use”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 226 - 231, 2008.
, “Effect of low densities of senescent stems in crested wheatgrass on plant selection and utilization by beef cattle”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 227 - 233, 1993.
, “1985 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1985.