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Journal Article
B. Weber and Rahe, M. L., Wealth Creation and Rural-Urban Linkages: An Exploratory Study of Economic Flows in Two Natural Resource-Rich Regions, Wealth Creation in Rural Communities, 2010.
B. Weber and Martin, S., A tale of two Oregons, 2009.
B. Weber, Edwards, M., and Duncan, G., Single mother work and poverty under welfare reform: Are policy impacts different in rural areas?, Eastern Economic Journal, pp. 31–51, 2004.
B. Weber, Rural poverty: why should states care and what can state policy do?, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, vol. 37, pp. 48–52, 2007.
S. Bernell, Weber, B., Edwards, M., and , Restricted opportunities, unfortunate personal choices, ineffective policies? What explains food insecurity in Oregon, 2005.
E. Castle, Wu, J. J., and Weber, B., Place Orientation and Rural-Urban Interdependence, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 179 - 204, 2011.
M. S. Crandall and Weber, B., Local social and economic conditions, spatial concentrations of poverty, and poverty dynamics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 86, pp. 1276–1281, 2004.
E. E. Davis, Connolly, L. S., and Weber, B., Local labor market conditions and the jobless poor: How much does local job growth help in rural areas?, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, pp. 503–518, 2003.
B. Weber and Crandall, M., IMPACTS OF WELFARE REFORM ON RURAL PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE UNITED STATES, Welfare Reform in Rural Places: Comparative Perspectives: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 15, pp. 19–40, 2010.
M. Edwards, Weber, B., and Bernell, S., Identifying factors that influence state-specific hunger rates in the US: A simple analytic method for understanding a persistent problem, Social Indicators Research, vol. 81, pp. 579–595, 2007.
E. Castle, Weber, B., and Wu, J. J., Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics, Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-nature, Rural-urban Interdependencies, p. 192, 2008.
Y. Chen and Weber, B., Federal Policy, Rural Community Growth, and Wealth Creation: The Impact of the Federal Forest Policy and Rural Development Spending in the Pacific Northwest, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 542 - 548, 2012.
B. Weber, Marre, A., Fisher, M., Gibbs, R., and Cromartie, J., Education's Effect on Poverty: The Role of Migration, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 29, pp. 437–445, 2007.
M. Fisher and Weber, B., Does economic vulnerability depend on place of residence? Asset poverty across metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, The Review of Regional Studies, vol. 34, pp. 137–155, 2004.
P. A. Lewin, Fisher, M., and Weber, B., Do rainfall conditions push or pull rural migrants: evidence from Malawi, Agricultural Economics, vol. 43, pp. 191–204, 2012.
D. Holland, Lewin, P., Sorte, B., and Weber, B., The declining economic interdependence of the Portland metropolitan core and its periphery, Chapter, vol. 5, 2011.
B. Weber, Jensen, L., Miller, K., Mosley, J., and Fisher, M., A critical review of rural poverty literature: Is there truly a rural effect?, International Regional Science Review, vol. 28, pp. 381–414, 2005.
P. Lewin, Weber, B., and Holland, D., Core–periphery dynamics in the Portland, Oregon, region: 1982–2006, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 411 - 433, 2013.
Y. Chen, Etuk, L., and Weber, B., Are small communities at risk of population loss?, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 343 - 353, 2013.