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Journal Article
D. Tullos, Foster-Moore, E., Magee, D., Tilt, B., Wolf, A. T., Schmitt, E., Gassert, F., and Kibler, K., Biophysical, socioeconomic, and geopolitical vulnerabilities to hydropower development on the Nu River, China, 2013.
D. Tullos, Concurrent Sessions A: Dam Removal II-Physical and Biological Responses to Dam Removal: Evidence Against Small Dam Removal as an Ecological Disturbance, 2013.
K. M. Kibler and Tullos, D., Cumulative biophysical impact of small and large hydropower development in Nu River, China, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 3104–3118, 2013.
D. Tullos, Dam logic: Qualitative reasoning simulations of benthic macroinvertebrate responses to dam removal scenarios, 2007.
D. Tullos, Penrose, D. L., and Jennings, G. D., Development and application of a bioindicator for benthic habitat enhancement in the North Carolina Piedmont, ecological engineering, vol. 27, pp. 228–241, 2006.
D. Tullos, Neumann, M., and Alvarez-Sanchez, J. J., Development of a qualitative model for investigating benthic community response to anthropogenic activities, Proceedings of QR, pp. 2–4, 2004.
D. Tullos, Walter, C., and Dunham, J. B., Does resolution of flow field observation influence apparent habitat use and energy expenditure in juvenile coho salmon?, Water Resources Research, 2016.
C. Walter and Tullos, D., Downstream channel changes after a small dam removal: using aerial photos and measurement error for context; Calapooia River, Oregon, River Research and Applications, vol. 26, pp. 1220–1245, 2010.
J. P. P. Zunka, Tullos, D., and Lancaster, S. T., Effects of sediment pulses on bed relief in bar-pool channels, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 40, pp. 1017–1028, 2015.
C. J. Stevens and Tullos, D., Effects of Temperature and Site Characteristics on Phosphorus Dynamics in Four Restored Wetlands: Implications for Wetland Hydrologic Management and Restoration, Ecological Restoration, vol. 29, pp. 279–291, 2011.
N. M. Czarnomski, Tullos, D., Thomas, R. E., and Simon, A., Effects of vegetation canopy density and bank angle on near-bank patterns of turbulence and Reynolds stresses, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 138, pp. 974–978, 2012.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2008.
G. Jennings and Tullos, D., Encyclopedia of Water Science, (Print Version), 2006.
D. Tullos, Environmental impact assessment Dams Three Gorges Project Uncertainty, 2007.
K. Kibler, Tullos, D., and Kondolf, M., Evolving expectations of dam removal outcomes: Downstream geomorphic effects following removal of a small, gravel-filled Dam1, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 47, pp. 408–423, 2011.
W. Jaeger, Amos, A., Bigelow, D. P., Chang, H., Conklin, D. R., HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Langpap, C., Moore, K., Mote, P. W., Nolin, A. W., Plantinga, A. J., Schwartz, C. L., Tullos, D., and Turner, D. P., Finding water scarcity amid abundance using human–natural system models, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 114, no. 45, pp. 11884 - 11889, 2017.
D. Tullos and Walter, C., Fish use of turbulence around wood in winter: physical experiments on hydraulic variability and habitat selection by juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Environmental Biology of Fishes, vol. 98, pp. 1339–1353, 2015.
K. N. DiFrancesco and Tullos, D., Flexibility in water resources management: review of concepts and development of assessment measures for flood management systems, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 50, pp. 1527–1539, 2014.
D. Tullos, Finn, D. S., and Walter, C., Geomorphic and ecological disturbance and recovery from two small dams and their removal, PloS one, vol. 9, p. e108091, 2014.
C. Mateus, Tullos, D., and Surfleet, C. G., Hydrologic sensitivity to climate and land use changes in the Santiam River basin, Oregon, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 51, pp. 400–420, 2015.
A. Stanton, Tullos, D., and Jain, S. K., Impacts and Biases of Storm Regime and Sampling Networks on Extreme Precipitation Measurements across the Western Himalayas, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, p. 04016034, 2016.
D. Tullos, Tilt, B., and Liermann, C. Reidy, Introduction to the special issue: Understanding and linking the biophysical, socioeconomic and geopolitical effects of dams, Journal of environmental management, vol. 90, pp. S203–S207, 2009.
D. Tullos, An Investigation of the environmental conditions and processes associated with benthic community composition in restored and upstream reaches of the North Carolina Piedmont, 2005.
K. M. Kibler, Tullos, D., and Kondolf, G. M., Learning from dam removal monitoring: challenges to selecting experimental design and establishing significance of outcomes, River Research and Applications, vol. 27, pp. 967–975, 2011.
P. H. Brown, Tullos, D., Tilt, B., Magee, D., and Wolf, A. T., Modeling the costs and benefits of dam construction from a multidisciplinary perspective, Journal of environmental management, vol. 90, pp. S303–S311, 2009.