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Y. Fang and Qian, M. C., Accumulation of C13-Norisoprenoids and Other Aroma Volatiles in Glycoconjugate Form During the Development of Pinot Noir Grapes, vol. 1104. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2012, pp. 101 - 115.
A. Rango, Fernald, A. G., Steele, C., Hurd, B., and Ochoa, C., Acequias and the Effects of Climate Change, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 1511364147, no. 112, pp. 84 - 94, 2013.
Y. Fang and Qian, M. C., ACS Symposium SeriesFlavor Chemistry of Wine and Other Alcoholic BeveragesDevelopment of C6 and Other Volatile Compounds in Pinot Noir Grapes Determined by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction-GC-MS, vol. 1104. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2012, pp. 81 - 99.
Z. Fang, Zhao, Y., Warner, R. D., and Johnson, S. K., Active and intelligent packaging in meat industry, Trends in Food Science & Technology, vol. 61, pp. 60 - 71, 2017.
M. S. Cross, Zavaleta, E. S., Bachelet, D., Brooks, M. L., Enquist, C. A. F., Fleishman, E., Graumlich, L. J., Groves, C. R., Hannah, L., Hansen, L., and , The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management, Environmental Management, vol. 50, pp. 341–351, 2012.
D. E. Graugnard, Piantoni, P., Bionaz, M., Berger, L. L., Faulkner, D. B., and Loor, J. J., Adipogenic and energy metabolism gene networks in longissimus lumborum during rapid post-weaning growth in Angus and Angus x Simmental cattle fed high-starch or low-starch diets., BMC Genomics, vol. 10, p. 142, 2009.
S. M. Wilson, Goldwasser, M. S., Clark, S. G., Monaco, E., Bionaz, M., Hurley, W. L., Rodriguez-Zas, S., Feng, L., Dymon, Z., and Wheeler, M. B., Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells enhance healing of mandibular defects in the ramus of swine., J Oral Maxillofac Surg, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. e193-203, 2012.
L. Moraes é Vasconcelos, Filho, O. Gomes á, and Cooke, R. F., Advances in Experimental Medicine and BiologyCurrent and Future Reproductive Technologies and World Food ProductionImpacts of Reproductive Technologies on Beef Production in South America, vol. 752. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013, pp. 161 - 180.
C. J. Funatake, Marshall, N. B., and Kerkvliet, N. I., Advertisement In utero Exposure of Mice to Dibenzo[a,l]Pyrene Produces Lymphoma in the Offspring: Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor , Journal of Immunotoxicology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 81 - 91, 2008.
K. C. Harding-Marjanovic, Houtz, E. F., Yi, S., Field, J., Sedlak, D. L., and Alvarez-Cohen, L., Aerobic Biotransformation of Fluorotelomer Thioether Amido Sulfonate (Lodyne) in AFFF-Amended Microcosms, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 49, no. 13, pp. 7666 - 7674, 2015.
D. F. Nadeau, Pardyjak, E. R., Higgins, C. W., Fernando, H. Joseph S., and Parlange, M. B., The afternoon and early-evening decay of turbulent kinetic energy over different land surfaces, in 10th EMS Annual Meeting, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 13-17, 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2010/, id. EMS2010-366, 2010.
L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
J. Selker and Ferre, T., The ah ha moment of measurement: Introduction to the special section on Hydrologic Measurement Methods, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, 2009.
A. K. Ehrlich, Pennington, J. M., Tilton, S., Wang, X., Marshall, N. B., Rohlman, D., Funatake, C., Punj, S., O'Donnell, E. F., Yu, Z., Kolluri, S., and Kerkvliet, N. I., AhR activation increases IL-2 production by alloreactive CD4 T cells initiating the differentiation of mucosal-homing Tim3 Lag3 Tr1 cells., Eur J Immunol, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1989-2001, 2017.
R. L. Tanguay, Lamba, W., Fraser, R., Mills, P., Azarbar, A., and El-Guebaly, N., Alcohol use disorder and depression: proposed rewording of Choosing Wisely recommendation., CMAJ, vol. 189, no. 11, pp. E442-E443, 2017.
A. Fritsch and Shellhammer, T., Alpha-Acids Do Not Contribute Bitterness to Lager Beer, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 6557992, no. 1, pp. 26 - 28, 2007.
S. Dagdeviren, Jung, D. Young, Lee, E., Friedline, R. H., Noh, H. Lim, Kim, J. Hun, Patel, P. R., Tsitsilianos, N., Tsitsilianos, A. V., Tran, D. A., Tsougranis, G. H., Kearns, C. C., Uong, C. P., Kwon, J. Yeon, Muller, W., Lee, K. Won, and Kim, J. K., Altered Interleukin-10 Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Regulates Obesity-Mediated Inflammation and Insulin Resistance., Mol Cell Biol, vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 2956-2966, 2016.
C. R. Brown, Vales, I., Yilma, S., James, S., Charlton, B. A., Culp, D., Hane, D., Shock, C. C., Feibert, E., Pavek, M., Knowles, R., Novy, R., Whitworth, J., Stark, J. C., J. Miller, C., Holm, D., Quick, R., and Navarre, R., “AmaRosa,” a Red Skinned, Red Fleshed Fingerling with High Phytonutrient Value, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 249 - 254, 2012.
W. Fan, Tsai, I. - M., and Qian, M. C., Analysis of 2-aminoacetophenone by direct-immersion solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and its sensory impact in Chardonnay and Pinot gris wines, Food chemistry, vol. 105, pp. 1144–1150, 2007.
W. J. Backe, Ort, C., Brewer, A. J., and Field, J., Analysis of androgenic steroids in environmental waters by large-volume injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, Analytical chemistry, vol. 83, pp. 2622–2630, 2011.
M. Ferrari, An-Archic Past: Rethinking Negativity with Bergson, Symposium, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 230–49, 2017.
T. D. Northfield, Paini, D. R., Funderburk, J. E., and Reitz, S. R., Annual Cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Thrips Abundance on North Florida Uncultivated Reproductive Hosts: Predicting Possible Sources of Pest Outbreaks, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 769 - 778, 2008.
T. O. B. I. N. D. NORTHFIELD, PAINI, D. E. A. N. R., FUNDERBURK, J. O. E. E., and Reitz, S. R., Annual Cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Thrips Abundance on North Florida Uncultivated Reproductive Hosts: Predicting Possible Sources of Pest Outbreaks, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 769 - 778, 2008.
S. Ates, Feindel, D., A. Moneim, E., and Ryan, J., Annual forage legumes in dryland agricultural systems of the West Asia and North Africa Regions , Grass and Forage Science, no. 1Suppl. 1, pp. 17 - 31, 2014.