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Journal Article
D. R. Bryla, Strik, B. C., Banados, M. P., and Righetti, T. L., Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment—II. Plant nutrient requirements in relation tonNitrogen fertilizer supply., HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 917-926, 2012.
M. P. Banados, Strik, B. C., Bryla, D. R., and Righetti, T. L., Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment. I. Accumulation and allocation of fertilizer nitrogen and biomass., HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 648-655, 2012.
R. T. Lackey, RESPONSE OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS TO ELIMINATING THERMAL STRATIFICATION IN A RESERVOIR, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 589 - 599, 1972.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., and Boyd, C. S., Response of Planted Sagebrush Seedlings to Cattle Grazing Applied to Decrease Fire Probability, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 629-635, 2020.
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R. P. Young and Miller, R. F., Response of Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. to Prescribed Burning, American Midland Naturalist, vol. 113, no. 1, p. 182, 1985.
K. W. Davies and Bates, J. D., The Response of Thurber’s Needlegrass to Fall Prescribed Burning, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 188 - 193, 2008.
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J. M. Lenihan, Bachelet, D., Neilson, R. P., and Drapek, R., Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California, Climatic Change, vol. 87, pp. 215–230, 2008.
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A. C. Lowder, Goad, C. L., Lou, X., J. Morgan, B., Koh, C. Lin, Deakins, A. Parsons, and DeWitt, C. A. Mireles, Response surface modeling to predict fluid loss from beef strip loins and steaks injected with salt and phosphate with or without a dehydrated beef protein water binding adjunct, Meat Science, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 9 - 18, 2013.
R. Mata-González, McLendon, T., and Martin, D. W., Response to comment to The inappropriate use of crop transpiration coefficients (Kc) to estimate evapotranspiration in arid ecosystems: a review, Arid Land Research and Management, vol. 20, pp. 179 - 181, 2006.
A. Menkir and Kling, J. G., Response to Recurrent Selection for Resistance to (Del.) Benth in a Tropical Maize Population, Crop Science, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 674, 2007.
M. Kleber, Response to the Opinion paper by Margit von Lützow and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner on 'What is recalcitrant soil organic matter?' by Markus Kleber, Environmental Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 336, 2010.
X. Yin, Seavert, C., and le Roux, J., Responses of Irrigation Water Use and Productivity of Sweet Cherry to Single-Lateral Drip Irrigation and Ground Covers, Soil Science, vol. 176, no. 1, pp. 39 - 47, 2011.
F. Tomas, ínez-Crego, ña, Hernán, G., and Santos, R., Responses of seagrass to anthropogenic and natural disturbances do not equally translate to its consumers, Global Change Biology, no. 11, pp. 4021 - 4030, 2015.
P. J. Bottomley, Yarwood, R. R., Kageyama, S. A., Waterstripe, K. E., Williams, M. A., Cromack, K., and Myrold, D. D., Responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to reciprocal transfers of soil between adjacent coniferous forest and meadow vegetation in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, Plant and Soil, vol. 28, no. 1-2, pp. 35 - 45, 2006.
R. F. Cooke, Filho, T. A. Guarnie, Cappellozza, B. Ieda, and Bohnert, D. W., Rest stops during road transport: Impacts on performance and acute-phase protein responses of feeder cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91877481868223158478978789899034845907562758590179385797439, no. 11, pp. 5448 - 5454, 2013.
L. M. Ellsworth, Litton, C. M., and Leary, J. J. K., Restoration impacts on fuels and fire potential in a dryland tropical ecosystem dominated by the invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus, Restoration Ecology, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 955 - 963, 2015.
J. D. Bates and Miller, R. F., Restoration of aspen woodland invaded by western juniper: applications of partial cutting and prescribed fire, Society for Ecological Restoration, 2004.
K. W. Davies, Johnson, D. D., and Nafus, A. M., Restoration of Exotic Annual Grass-Invaded Rangelands: Importance of Seed Mix CompositionAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 710119100215280, no. 02, pp. 247 - 256, 2014.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., Madsen, M. D., and Nafus, A. M., Restoration of Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe Following Prescribed Burning to Control Western Juniper, Environmental Management, vol. 531434275847782239473281657616314466229105585553602910656423037, no. 5, pp. 1015 - 1022, 2014.
S. A. Ammondt, Litton, C. M., Ellsworth, L. M., and Leary, J. K., Restoration of native plant communities in a Hawaiian dry lowland ecosystem dominated by the invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus, Applied Vegetation Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 29 - 39, 2013.
J. D. Bates, Miller, R. F., and Davies, K. W., Restoration of Quaking Aspen Woodlands Invaded by Western Juniper, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 88 - 97, 2006.