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“Adaptability analysis in a participatory variety trial of organic vegetable crops”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 35, pp. 296–312, 2020.
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, “Activation of α2A-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors mediates nicotine-induced motor output in embryonic zebrafish”, European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 2225 - 2240, 2014.
, “Activated Carbon Seed Technology Protects Seedlings From Two Pre-emergent Herbicides Applied in Tandem”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 96, pp. 67 - 71, 2024.
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, “Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Herbicide Tolerance in Bermudagrass”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 106, no. 3, p. 925, 2014.
, “Acetic acid inhibits nutrient uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: auxotrophy confounds the use of yeast deletion libraries for strain improvement.”, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 7405-16, 2013.
, “Acequias and the Effects of Climate Change”, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 1511364147, no. 112, pp. 84 - 94, 2013.
, “Accumulation and Loss of Nitrogen during Growth and Maturation of Cereal Rye (Secale cereale)1”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 62, no. 3, p. 311, 1970.
, “Accounting for multiple pathways in the connections among climate variability, ocean processes, and coho salmon recruitment in the Northern California Current”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 1552 - 1564, 2015.
, “Accounting for female reproductive cycles in a superpopulation capture–recapture framework”, Ecological Applications, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1677 - 1690, 2013.
, “The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol.”, Nat Microbiol, vol. 1, no. 8, p. 16065, 2016.
, “The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol.”, Nat Microbiol, vol. 1, no. 8, p. 16065, 2016.
, “Abundances of Coplanted Native Bunchgrasses and Crested Wheatgrass after 13 Years”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 211 - 214, 2015.
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, “Abscisic acid transcriptomic signaling varies with grapevine organ”, BMC Plant Biology, no. 1112Suppl62416359348431411651266124539499323569169, 2016.
, “Above- and below-ground microclimate of grow tubes in an organic mulch-incorporated, raised bed system for blueberry. ”, HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 1363-1369, 2013.
, “Abiotic Stresses Modulate Landscape of Poplar Transcriptome via Alternative Splicing, Differential Intron Retention, and Isoform Ratio Switching.”, Frontiers in plant science, vol. 9, p. 5, 2018.
, “Abiotic Stresses Modulate Landscape of Poplar Transcriptome via Alternative Splicing, Differential Intron Retention, and Isoform Ratio Switching.”, Frontiers in plant science, vol. 9, p. 5, 2018.
, “The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize the toxic effects of high-ergot alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle1,2”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 858481718063858182736468605258817958135167551872701571734670103216975665444477265312215MP80–A4919, no. 10Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 14, pp. 2596 - 2605, 2007.
, “5-Formyltetrahydrofolate is an inhibitory but well tolerated metabolite in Arabidopsis leaves”, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 280, 2005.
, “5,5-Dimethyl-2-pyrrolidone-N-oxyl formation in electron spin resonance studies of electrolyzed NaCl solution using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide as a spin trapping agent.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 4906-10, 2005.
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