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“Water quality sampling under preferential flow conditions”, in Lysimeters for Evapotranspiration and Environmental Measurements, 1991.
, “Waste-Incidental-to-Reprocessing Evaluation for the West Valley Demonstration Project Vitrification Melter-12167”, in WM Symposia, 2012.
, “Very high spatial and temporal lidar for moisture and temperature monitoring”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
, “Very high spatial and temporal lidar for moisture and temperature monitoring”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
, “Using light, gas, and pressure to quantify distributed snowpack temperature and interstitial flow dynamics”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using high-resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to measure spatially resolved speed and temperature of airflows in a shallow gully”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
, “Using high-resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to measure spatially resolved speed and temperature of airflows in a shallow gully”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties”, in AGU Fall Meeting 2015, 2015.
, “Use of heat as a groundwater tracer in fractured rock hydrology”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
, “Use of ground penetrating radar to improve water quality monitoring in the vadose zone”, in Preferential Flow, Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers National Symposium on Preferential Flow. Chicago, IL, 1991.
, “Use of ground penetrating radar to improve water quality monitoring in the vadose zone”, in Preferential Flow, Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers National Symposium on Preferential Flow. Chicago, IL, 1991.
, “Unit process data collection for specialty crop production”, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA Food 2014), San Francisco, California, USA, 8-10 October, 2014., 2014.
“Uncertainty in hydrologic response due to climate change; Santiam River, Oregon”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
, “Uncertainty in estimates of the isotopic composition of water vapor fluxes: direct comparison of techniques using laser-based analyzers”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
, “Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO): A network to monitor weather, water, and climate in Africa”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
, “The trans-african hydro-meteorological observatory: early results from the crowd sourcing competition”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2013.
, “To b= 1 or not to b= 1. Numerical, conceptual, hydraulic and geometric explanations for observed streamflow recession behaviour-a case of being right for which reason?”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2014.
, “Time Resolved Thermal Diffusivity of Seasonal Snow Determined from Inexpensive, Easily-Implemented Temperature Measurements”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
, “Summer grazing performance of cattle as influenced by water stress & trailing”, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1975.
, “Strategies to improve fermentation characteristics of degermed corn flour”, in 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2005.
, “Stock water restriction and trailing effects on animal gain, water drunk, and mineral consumption”, in Water-Animal Relations Symp. Proc. 1, 1973.
, “Stable isotope variability in snow on an alpine glacier in Switzerland”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.