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, “Use of Aliphatic n-Alkynes To Discriminate Soil Nitrification Activities of Ammonia-Oxidizing Thaumarchaea and Bacteria”, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 79, no. 21, pp. 6544 - 6551, 2013.
, “Use of calliandra–Napier grass contour hedges to control erosion in central Kenya”, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 91, no. 1-3, pp. 15 - 23, 2002.
, “Use of Felled Junipers to Protect Streamside Willows From Browsing”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 652 - 655, 2005.
, “Use of ground penetrating radar to improve water quality monitoring in the vadose zone”, in Preferential Flow, Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers National Symposium on Preferential Flow. Chicago, IL, 1991.
, “Use of ground penetrating radar to improve water quality monitoring in the vadose zone”, in Preferential Flow, Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers National Symposium on Preferential Flow. Chicago, IL, 1991.
, “Use of heat as a groundwater tracer in fractured rock hydrology”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
, “Use of Kendall's coefficient of concordance to assess agreement among observers of very high resolution imagery”, Geocarto International, vol. 287961758123396060107514141046623828251518189035, no. 6, pp. 517 - 526, 2013.
, “Use of Kendall's coefficient of concordance to assess agreement among observers of very high resolution imagery”, Geocarto International, vol. 287961758123396060107514141046623828251518189035, no. 6, pp. 517 - 526, 2013.
, “Use of mixing models for Humboldt squid diet analysis: Reply to Field et al. (2014)”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 500, pp. 287 - 290, 2014.
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, “The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties”, in AGU Fall Meeting 2015, 2015.
, “On the use of the Boussinesq equation for interpreting recession hydrographs from sloping aquifers”, Water Resources Research, vol. 42, 2006.
, “Use of Tree/Grass Hedges for Soil Erosion Control in the Central Kenyan Highlands”, Journal of soil and water conservation, 2000.
, “Using a change-point model to describe temporal bitter relationships among hop-derived compounds”, Food Quality and Preference, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 820 - 826, 2010.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Using atmospheric trajectories to model the isotopic composition of rainfall in central Kenya”, Ecosphere, vol. 4, pp. 1–18, 2013.