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L. K. Padgitt-Cobb, Kingan, S. B., Wells, J., Elser, J., Kronmiller, B., Moore, D., Concepcion, G., Peluso, P., Rank, D., Jaiswal, P., Henning, J., and Hendrix, D. A., A draft phased assembly of the diploid Cascade hop (Humulus lupulus) genome., Plant Genome, vol. 14, no. 1, p. e20072, 2021.
L. K. Padgitt-Cobb, Kingan, S. B., Wells, J., Elser, J., Kronmiller, B., Moore, D., Concepcion, G., Peluso, P., Rank, D., Jaiswal, P., Henning, J., and Hendrix, D. A., A draft phased assembly of the diploid Cascade hop (Humulus lupulus) genome., Plant Genome, vol. 14, no. 1, p. e20072, 2021.
G. Tait, Mermer, S., Stockton, D., Lee, J., Avosani, S., Abrieux, A., Anfora, G., Beers, E., Biondi, A., Burrack, H., Cha, D., Chiu, J. C., Choi, M. - Y., Cloonan, K., Crava, C. M., Daane, K. M., Dalton, D. T., Diepenbrock, L., Fanning, P., Ganjisaffar, F., Gómez, M. I., Gut, L., Grassi, A., Hamby, K., Hoelmer, K. A., Ioriatti, C., Isaacs, R., Klick, J., Kraft, L., Loeb, G., Rossi-Stacconi, M. Valerio, Nieri, R., Pfab, F., Puppato, S., Rendon, D., Renkema, J., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Rogers, M., Sassù, F., Schöneberg, T., Scott, M. J., Seagraves, M., Sial, A., Van Timmeren, S., Wallingford, A., Wang, X., D Yeh, A., Zalom, F. G., and Walton, V. M., Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A Decade of Research Towards a Sustainable Integrated Pest Management Program, Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021.
G. Tait, Mermer, S., Stockton, D., Lee, J., Avosani, S., Abrieux, A., Anfora, G., Beers, E., Biondi, A., Burrack, H., Cha, D., Chiu, J. C., Choi, M. - Y., Cloonan, K., Crava, C. M., Daane, K. M., Dalton, D. T., Diepenbrock, L., Fanning, P., Ganjisaffar, F., Gómez, M. I., Gut, L., Grassi, A., Hamby, K., Hoelmer, K. A., Ioriatti, C., Isaacs, R., Klick, J., Kraft, L., Loeb, G., Rossi-Stacconi, M. Valerio, Nieri, R., Pfab, F., Puppato, S., Rendon, D., Renkema, J., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Rogers, M., Sassù, F., Schöneberg, T., Scott, M. J., Seagraves, M., Sial, A., Van Timmeren, S., Wallingford, A., Wang, X., D Yeh, A., Zalom, F. G., and Walton, V. M., Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A Decade of Research Towards a Sustainable Integrated Pest Management Program, Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021.
C. J. W. Carroll, Slette, I. J., Griffin-Nolan, R. J., and Baur, L. E., Is a Drought a Drought in Grasslands? Productivity Responses to Different Types of Drought., Oecologia, pp. 1-10, 2021.
D. Risk, Nickerson, N., Phillips, C. L., Kellman, L., and Moroni, M., Drought alters respired δ13CO2 from autotrophic, but not heterotrophic soil respiration, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 50, pp. 26 - 32, 2012.
E. M. Denton, Dietrich, J. D., Smith, M. D., and Knapp, A. K., Drought timing differentially affects above- and belowground productivity in a mesic grassland, Plant Ecology, no. 323310611, pp. 317 - 328, 2017.
M. S. Torn, Kleber, M., Zavaleta, E. S., Zhu, B., Field, C. B., and Trumbore, S. E., A dual isotope approach to isolate soil carbon pools of different turnover times, Biogeosciences, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 8067 - 8081, 2013.
M. Keiluweit, Nico, P. S., Johnson, M. G., and Kleber, M., Dynamic Molecular Structure of Plant Biomass-Derived Black Carbon (Biochar), Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1247 - 1253, 2010.
M. Keiluweit, Nico, P. S., Johnson, M. G., and Kleber, M., Dynamic Molecular Structure of Plant Biomass-Derived Black Carbon (Biochar), Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1247 - 1253, 2010.
J. E. Bruggeman, Swem, T., Andersen, D. E., Kennedy, P. L., and Nigro, D., Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality., Ecol Appl, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1932-43, 2015.
V. Kodali, Littke, M. H., Tilton, S. C., Teeguarden, J. G., Shi, L., Frevert, C. W., Wang, W., Pounds, J. G., and Thrall, B. D., Dysregulation of Macrophage Activation Profiles by Engineered Nanoparticles, ACS Nano, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 6997 - 7010, 2013.
M. A. Kutzler, Dystocia and obstetric crises, in Small Animal Critical Care Medicine, Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009.
M. Parlange, Katul, G., Eichinger, W., Albertson, J., Szilagyi, J., Cahill, T., Porte-Agel, F., Kleissl, J., Pahlow, M., Bou-Zeid, E., and , E4. Probing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: a Life-long Adventure Thanks to Wilfried Brutsaert, 2012.
M. Parlange, Katul, G., Eichinger, W., Albertson, J., Szilagyi, J., Cahill, T., Porte-Agel, F., Kleissl, J., Pahlow, M., Bou-Zeid, E., and , E4. Probing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: a Life-long Adventure Thanks to Wilfried Brutsaert, 2012.
C. J. Funatake and Kerkvliet, N. I., Early Consequences of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Exposure on the Activation and Survival of Antigen-Specific T Cells, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 129 - 142, 2004.
K. Soderberg, Good, S. P., Guan, K., and King, E. G., Ecohydrology: also known as growing grass, Mpala Memos: Mpala Research Centre and Wildlife Foundation, 2011.
E. Hiltbrunner, Aerts, R., ühlmann, T., Huss-Danell, K., Magnusson, B., Myrold, D. D., Reed, S. C., Sigurdsson, B. D., and Körner, C., Ecological consequences of the expansion of N2-fixing plants in cold biomes, Oecologia, vol. 176, no. 1, pp. 11 - 24, 2014.
J. McIver, Stephens, S. L., Agee, J. K., Barbour, J., Boerner, R. E. J., Edminster, C. B., Erickson, K. L., Farris, K. L., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Hart, S. C., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., Lehmkuhl, J. F., Moghaddas, J. J., Otrosina, W., Outcalt, K. W., Schwilk, D. W., Skinner, C. N., Waldrop, T. A., C. Weatherspoon, P., Yaussy, D. A., Youngblood, A., and Zack, S., Ecological effects of alternative fuel-reduction treatments: highlights of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study (FFS), International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 63, 2013.
J. McIver, Stephens, S. L., Agee, J. K., Barbour, J., Boerner, R. E. J., Edminster, C. B., Erickson, K. L., Farris, K. L., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Hart, S. C., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., Lehmkuhl, J. F., Moghaddas, J. J., Otrosina, W., Outcalt, K. W., Schwilk, D. W., Skinner, C. N., Waldrop, T. A., C. Weatherspoon, P., Yaussy, D. A., Youngblood, A., and Zack, S., Ecological effects of alternative fuel-reduction treatments: highlights of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study (FFS), International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 63, 2013.
R. E. Keane, Agee, J. K., é, P., Keeley, J. E., Key, C., Kitchen, S. G., Miller, R. F., and Schulte, L. A., Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe?, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 696, 2008.
R. E. Keane, Agee, J. K., é, P., Keeley, J. E., Key, C., Kitchen, S. G., Miller, R. F., and Schulte, L. A., Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe?, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 696, 2008.
R. E. Keane, Agee, J. K., é, P., Keeley, J. E., Key, C., Kitchen, S. G., Miller, R. F., and Schulte, L. A., Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe?, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 696, 2008.
R. E. Keane, Agee, J. K., é, P., Keeley, J. E., Key, C., Kitchen, S. G., Miller, R. F., and Schulte, L. A., Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe?, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 696, 2008.
E. J. Anderson, Borman, M. M., and Krueger, W. Clement, The Ecological Provinces of Oregon: a Treatise on the Basic Ecological Geography of the State., Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Special Report 990.(Oregon State University: Corvallis.), 1998.