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Journal Article
M. - J. Romero-Jiménez, Rudgers, J. A., Jumpponen, A., Herrera, J., Hutchinson, M., Kuske, C., Dunbar, J., Knapp, D. G., Kovács, G. M., and Porras-Alfaro, A., Darksidea phi, sp. nov., a dark septate root-associated fungus in foundation grasses in North American Great Plains., Mycologia, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 254-269, 2022.
B. A. King, Shellie, K. C., Tarkalson, D. D., Levin, A. D., Sharma, V., and Bjorneberg, D. L., Data Driven Models for Canopy Temperature based Irrigation Scheduling, Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1579-1592, 2020.
A. R. Osborn, Almabruk, K. H., Holzwarth, G., Asamizu, S., LaDu, J., Kean, K. M., P Karplus, A., Tanguay, R. L., Bakalinsky, A. T., and Mahmud, T., De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates., Elife, vol. 4, 2015.
A. R. Osborn, Almabruk, K. H., Holzwarth, G., Asamizu, S., La Du, J. K., Kean, K. M., P Karplus, A., Tanguay, R. L., Bakalinsky, A. T., and Mahmud, T., De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates , eLife, vol. 4, 2015.
A. R. Osborn, Almabruk, K. H., Holzwarth, G., Asamizu, S., LaDu, J., Kean, K. M., P Karplus, A., Tanguay, R. L., Bakalinsky, A. T., and Mahmud, T., De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates., Elife, vol. 4, 2015.
A. R. Osborn, Almabruk, K. H., Holzwarth, G., Asamizu, S., La Du, J. K., Kean, K. M., P Karplus, A., Tanguay, R. L., Bakalinsky, A. T., and Mahmud, T., De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates , eLife, vol. 4, 2015.
S. E. Fox, Geniza, M., Hanumappa, M., Naithani, S., Sullivan, C. M., Preece, J., Tiwari, V. I. K., Elser, J., Leonard, J. M., Sage, A., Gresham, C., Kerhornou, A., Bolser, D., McCarthy, F., Kersey, P., Lazo, G. R., and Jaiswal, P., De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum., PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
S. E. Fox, Geniza, M., Hanumappa, M., Naithani, S., Sullivan, C. M., Preece, J., Tiwari, V. I. K., Elser, J., Leonard, J. M., Sage, A., Gresham, C., Kerhornou, A., Bolser, D., McCarthy, F., Kersey, P., Lazo, G. R., and Jaiswal, P., De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum., PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
S. Ae Kim, Park, S. Hong, Knueven, C., Basel, R., and Ricke, S. C., A decontamination approach using a combination of bisulfate of soda and peracetic acid against Listeria innocua inoculated on whole apples, Food Control, vol. 84, pp. 106–110, 2018.
S. Ae Kim, Park, S. Hong, Knueven, C., Basel, R., and Ricke, S. C., A decontamination approach using a combination of bisulfate of soda and peracetic acid against Listeria innocua inoculated on whole apples, Food Control, vol. 84, pp. 106–110, 2018.
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C. E. Finn, Martin, R. R., Baumann, T., Strik, B. C., Kempler, C., and Dossett, M., A dedication: Hugh A. Daubeny (1931-2015): a wonderful small fruit legacy including being a critical driver of the Rubus and Ribes symposia, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 1 - 2, 2016.
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J. Yeon Kwon, Lee, K. Won, Kim, J. - E., Jung, S. Keun, Kang, N. Joo, Hwang, M. Kyung, Heo, Y. - S., Bode, A. M., Dong, Z., and Lee, H. Joo, Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase., Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
J. Yeon Kwon, Lee, K. Won, Kim, J. - E., Jung, S. Keun, Kang, N. Joo, Hwang, M. Kyung, Heo, Y. - S., Bode, A. M., Dong, Z., and Lee, H. Joo, Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase., Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
J. Yeon Kwon, Lee, K. Won, Kim, J. - E., Jung, S. Keun, Kang, N. Joo, Hwang, M. Kyung, Heo, Y. - S., Bode, A. M., Dong, Z., and Lee, H. Joo, Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase., Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
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