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“Darksidea phi, sp. nov., a dark septate root-associated fungus in foundation grasses in North American Great Plains.”, Mycologia, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 254-269, 2022.
, “Data Driven Models for Canopy Temperature based Irrigation Scheduling”, Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1579-1592, 2020.
, “De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates.”, Elife, vol. 4, 2015.
, “De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates ”, eLife, vol. 4, 2015.
, “De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates.”, Elife, vol. 4, 2015.
, “De novo synthesis of a sunscreen compound in vertebrates ”, eLife, vol. 4, 2015.
, “De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum.”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
, “De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum.”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
, “A decontamination approach using a combination of bisulfate of soda and peracetic acid against Listeria innocua inoculated on whole apples”, Food Control, vol. 84, pp. 106–110, 2018.
, “A decontamination approach using a combination of bisulfate of soda and peracetic acid against Listeria innocua inoculated on whole apples”, Food Control, vol. 84, pp. 106–110, 2018.
, “A Dedication: Hugh A. Daubeny (1931-2015): A wonderful small fruit legacy including being a critical driver of the Rubus-Ribes Symposia”, Acta Hort., vol. 1133, pp. 1-2, 2016.
, “A dedication: Hugh A. Daubeny (1931-2015): a wonderful small fruit legacy including being a critical driver of the Rubus and Ribes symposia”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 1 - 2, 2016.
, “Deer and Elk Use on Foothill Rangelands in Northeastern Oregon”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 34, no. 3, p. 201, 1981.
, “Defender: A high-yielding, processing potato cultivar with foliar and tuber resistance to late blight”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 83, no. 11, pp. 9 - 19, 2006.
, “Deficit Irrigation for Optimum Alfalfa Seed Yield and Quality”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 99, no. 4, p. 992, 2007.
, “Delphinidin attenuates neoplastic transformation in JB6 Cl41 mouse epidermal cells by blocking Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling.”, Cancer Prev Res (Phila), vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 522-31, 2008.
, “Delphinidin attenuates neoplastic transformation in JB6 Cl41 mouse epidermal cells by blocking Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling.”, Cancer Prev Res (Phila), vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 522-31, 2008.
, “Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase.”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
, “Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase.”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
, “Delphinidin suppresses ultraviolet B-induced cyclooxygenases-2 expression through inhibition of MAPKK4 and PI-3 kinase.”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1932-40, 2009.
, “Density fractions versus size separates: does physical fractionation isolate functional soil compartments?”, Biogeosciences, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 5181 - 5197, 2012.
, “Description of Five New Loma (Microsporidia) Species in Pacific Fishes with Redesignation of the Type Species Loma morhua Morrison & Sprague, 1981, Based on Morphological and Molecular Species-Boundaries Tests”, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 529 - 553, 2010.
, “A design process for developing agricultural life science-focused model eliciting activities”, 2020.
, “Determinants of Retinoid X Receptor Transcriptional Antagonism”, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 47, no. 18, pp. 4360 - 4372, 2004.
, “Determination of Conspecificity of Candida utilis and Hansenula jadinii through DNA Reassociation”, Mycologia, vol. 71, no. 4, p. 844, 1979.