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P. L. Kennedy, DeBano, S. J., Bartuszevige, A. M., and Lueders, A. S., Effects of Native and Non-Native Grassland Plant Communities on Breeding Passerine Birds: Implications for Restoration of Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie, Restoration Ecology, vol. 17202692191183626821236612332702610631107151072124691201938149642955231444326767302051081071914463270, no. 4Suppl, pp. 515 - 525, 2009.
Y. Joon Choi, Hur, S., Choi, B. - D., Konno, K., and Park, J. W., Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Recovered Protein from Frozen Small Croaker and Functional Properties of Its Hydrolysates, Journal of Food Science, vol. 74604535365168695059356923540485322721193506659322638535749, no. 1, pp. C17 - C24, 2009.
M. J. Price, Berger, P. B., Angiolillo, D. J., Teirstein, P. S., Tanguay, J. - F., Kandzari, D. E., Cannon, C. P., and Topol, E. J., Evaluation of individualized clopidogrel therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with high residual platelet reactivity: design and rationale of the GRAVITAS trial., Am Heart J, vol. 157, no. 5, pp. 818-24, 824.e1, 2009.
G. Katul and Novick, K., Evapotranspiration, Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, vol. 1, pp. 661–667, 2009.
B. V. Tuck, Roberts, D. E., Kerr, S. R., M., C., Mills, R. R., Fouts, J. D., Esser, A., and Viebrock, M., Farm Succession and Estate Planning with Professional Coaching for Participating Families., Proceedings of the National Small Farms Conference. p. 35, 2009.
D. E. Roberts, Tuck, B. V., Kerr, S. R., Fouts, J. D., Esser, A., Viebrock, M., Mills, R. R., and M., C., Farm Succession Planning With Personal Coaching for Participants, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. 2009.
S. SL, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications , vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
S. SL, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications , vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
S. S. L., Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
S. S. L., Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
S. L. Stephens, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C. N., and Youngblood, A., Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 191221782710310147781031413, no. 2, pp. 305 - 320, 2009.
S. L. Stephens, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C. N., and Youngblood, A., Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 191221782710310147781031413, no. 2, pp. 305 - 320, 2009.
N. Vercauteren, Froidevaux, M., Kumar, V., Higgins, C. W., Bou-Zeid, E., and Parlange, M., Heat and water vapor fluxes over a lake: a LES and field campaign investigation., in 9th EMS Annual Meeting, 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009 in Toulouse, France. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2009/, id. EMS2009-229., 2009.
K. M. Kolpin and Shellhammer, T., The Human Bitterness Detection Threshold of Iso-α-Acids and Tetrahydro-Iso-α-Acids in Lager Beer, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 67196040498888108, no. 4, pp. 200 - 205, 2009.
J. M. Ramsay, Watral, V., Schreck, C. B., and Kent, M. L., Husbandry stress exacerbates mycobacterial infections in adult zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton), Journal of Fish Diseases, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 931 - 941, 2009.
S. K. Nguyen, Sophonputtanaphoca, S., Kim, E., and Penner, M. H., Hydrolytic methods for the quantification of fructose equivalents in herbaceous biomass., Appl Biochem Biotechnol, vol. 158, no. 2, pp. 352-61, 2009.
A. K. G. Kadegowda, Bionaz, M., Thering, B., Piperova, L. S., Erdman, R. A., and Loor, J. J., Identification of internal control genes for quantitative polymerase chain reaction in mammary tissue of lactating cows receiving lipid supplements., J Dairy Sci, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 2007-19, 2009.
T. Kamai, Weisbrod, N., and Dragila, M., Impact of ambient temperature on evaporation from surface-exposed fractures, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, no. 2, 2009.
T. Delcurto, Wyffels, S., Clark, A., Kennedy, P. L., Taylor, R., and DeBano, S. J., Influence of stocking density on grazing beef cattle performance, diet composition, foraging efficiency, and diet quality on a late-spring early-summer native bunchgrass prairie. 2009.
S. A. Wyffels, Delcurto, T., Clark, A., Kennedy, P. L., Taylor, R., and DeBano, S. J., Influence of stocking density on grazing beef cattle performance, diet composition foraging efficiency, and diet quality on a late-spring early-summer native bunchgrass prairie, Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Ani. Sci., vol. 60, pp. 164-169, 2009.
M. Diebold, Higgins, C. W., Kumar, V., Lehning, M., and Parlange, M. B., Large Eddy Simulation over three-dimensional mountain topography, in 9th EMS Annual Meeting, 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009 in Toulouse, France. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2009/, id. EMS2009-117., 2009.
D. Nadeau, Kumar, V., Higgins, C. W., Parlange, M., and Pardyjak, E., Large-eddy simulation of the convective atmospheric boundary layer over heterogeneous land surfaces, in Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 2009.
J. - E. Kim, Kwon, J. Yeon, Lee, D. Eun, Kang, N. Joo, Heo, Y. - S., Lee, K. Won, and Lee, H. Joo, MKK4 is a novel target for the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced vascular endothelial growth factor expression by myricetin., Biochem Pharmacol, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 412-21, 2009.
J. - E. Kim, Kwon, J. Yeon, Lee, D. Eun, Kang, N. Joo, Heo, Y. - S., Lee, K. Won, and Lee, H. Joo, MKK4 is a novel target for the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced vascular endothelial growth factor expression by myricetin., Biochem Pharmacol, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 412-21, 2009.
J. - E. Kim, Kwon, J. Yeon, Lee, D. Eun, Kang, N. Joo, Heo, Y. - S., Lee, K. Won, and Lee, H. Joo, MKK4 is a novel target for the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced vascular endothelial growth factor expression by myricetin., Biochem Pharmacol, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 412-21, 2009.