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J. Parke, Pscheidt, J., Regan, R., Hedberg, J., and Grunwald, N., Phytophthora Online Course: Training for Nursery Growers., 2008. [Online]. Available:
J. Parke and Funahashi, F., Soil solarization in container nurseries and field production, Digger, 2016.
J. Parke and Funahashi, F., Putting the sun to work: solarization can be an effective way to kill pests, pathogens, and weed, Digger, 2013.
J. Parke and Fisher, P. R., Treating irrigation water to eliminate water molds, Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Management Handbook, 2012.
J. Parke and Fisher, P. R., Treating irrigation water, Digger, 2012.
J. Parke, A new approach to pests: research into systems approaches is yielding new tools for healthy plant production, Digger, 2011.
J. Parke, Reducing Phytophthora: these top 10 tips will help prevent this group of pathogens from taking hold, Digger, 2010.
J. Parke, Grünwald, N., and Lewis, C., Tracing the path of pathogens, Digger, 2008.
J. Parke, Sudden oak death, ramorum leaf blight, ramorum shoot blight, The Plant Health Instructor, 2008.
J. Parke and Funahashi, F., Thermal inactivation of inoculum of two Phytophthora species by intermittent vs. constant heat, Phytopathology, vol. 108, 2018.
J. Parke, Knaus, B. J., Fieland, V. J., Lewis, C., and Grunwald, N. J., Phytophthora community structure analyses in Oregon nurseries inform systems approaches to disease management, Phytopathology, vol. 104, pp. 1052-1062, 2014.
J. Parke and Grunwald, N. J., A systems approach for management of pests and pathogens of nursery crops, Plant Dis. , vol. 96, pp. 1236-1244, 2012.