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T. Svejcar and Boyd, C. S., The value of decision models: using Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management as an example, Rangelands, vol. 34, pp. 2–5, 2012.
T. Svejcar, Paintner, K. J., and Ganskopp, D. C., Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: Stand Establishment from Seeded Native Grasses, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
T. Svejcar, Angell, R. F., Bradford, J. A., Dugas, W., Emmerich, W., Frank, A. B., Gilmanov, T. G., Haferkamp, M. Roy, Johnson, D. A., Mayeux, H., and , Carbon fluxes on North American rangelands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, pp. 465–474, 2008.
T. Svejcar, Management of Perennial Pepperweed (tall whitetop): Proceedings Summary and Suggestions for Future Work, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
T. Svejcar and Brown, J. R., Failures in the assumptions of the condition and trend concept for management of natural ecosystems, Rangelands, vol. 13, pp. 165–167, 1991.
T. Svejcar, Earley, A., and Barton, R. K., EOARC, Annual Report: The Influence of Supplemental Alfalfa Quality on the Intake and Utilization of Low Quality Roughage by Beef Cattle with Varying Levels of Protein Requirements, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
T. Svejcar, Angell, R. F., and Miller, R. F., Fixed location rain shelters for studying precipitation effects on rangelands, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 187 - 193, 1999.
T. Svejcar and Blank, R. R., Interactions of Riparian Zones and Grazing as Related to Water Quality, Second Annual Intermountain Agriculture Conferenc. Klamath Falls, OR, 1994.
T. Svejcar and Vavra, M., 1983 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Improved Cattle Production on Forestlands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1983.
L. N. Svejcar and Clenet, D. R., IYRP North America Kid’s Coloring Pages. 2025.
T. Svejcar, Range Field Day - 1998 Meadow ecology and management: Perennial Pepperweed (Tall Whitetop), Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
T. Svejcar, Riparian zones: 2) History and human impacts, Rangelands, vol. 19, pp. 8–12, 1997.
T. Svejcar and Angell, R. F., EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: The Rangeland Carbon Flux Project, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
T. Svejcar and Sheley, R., Nitrogen dynamics in perennial- and annual-dominated arid rangeland, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 33 - 46, 2001.
L. Svejcar, Kerby, J. D., Svejcar, T., Mackey, B., Boyd, C. S., Baughman, O. W., Madsen, M. D., and Davies, K. W., Plant Recruitment in Drylands Varies by Site, Year, and Seeding Technique, Restoration Ecology, vol. 31, no. 2, 2023.
T. Svejcar, Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: History and Mission of the Squaw Butte Experiment Station, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
T. Svejcar and Davies, K. W., Comparison of Medusahead-Invaded and Noninvaded Wyoming Big Sagebrush Steppe in Southeastern Oregon, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 623 - 629, 2008.
T. Svejcar, Larson, L. L., Ganskopp, D. C., Carpinelli, M. F., Boyd, C. S., Borman, M. M., Bohnert, D. W., and Bates, J. D., Range Field Day Report 2004: Current forage and livestock production research Special Report 1052, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2004.
T. Svejcar and Riegel, G. M., Spatial pattern of gas exchange for montane moist meadow species, Journal of Vegetation Science, vol. 953160153056398664237489, no. 1, pp. 85 - 94, 1998.
N. A. Suverly, Delcurto, T., Jaeger, J. R., and Keller, M. R., Influence of cow age on consumption of hand-fed supplements and subsequent performance of beef cows winter grazing stockpiled forage, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. , vol. 51. pp. 281-285, 2000.
N. A. Suverly, Delcurto, T., Paxton, S., Keller, M. R., and Weber, D. W., Effects of timing and frequency of grazing on quality and yield of stockpiled forages in western Oregon, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. , vol. 52. pp. 262-266, 2000.
C. G. Surfleet and Tullos, D., Uncertainty in hydrologic modelling for estimating hydrologic response due to climate change (Santiam River, Oregon), Hydrological Processes, vol. 27, pp. 3560–3576, 2013.
C. G. Surfleet and Tullos, D., Variability in effect of climate change on rain-on-snow peak flow events in a temperate climate, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 479, pp. 24–34, 2013.
C. G. Surfleet, Tullos, D., Chang, H., and Jung, I. - W., Selection of hydrologic modeling approaches for climate change assessment: A comparison of model scale and structures, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 464, pp. 233–248, 2012.
C. G. Surfleet and Tullos, D., Uncertainty in hydrologic response due to climate change; Santiam River, Oregon, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.