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D. Stone and Buhl, K. J., Notes from the Field: Acute Illness Associated with Use of Pest Strips — Seven U.S. States and Canada, 2000–2013, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014.
D. Stone, Harper, B. J., Lynch, I., Dawson, K., and Harper, S., Exposure assessment: recommendations for nanotechnology-based pesticides, International journal of occupational and environmental health, vol. 16, pp. 467–474, 2010.
A. G. Stone, Traina, S. J., and Hoitink, H. A. J., Particulate organic matter composition and Pythium damping-off of cucumber., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., vol. 65, pp. 761-770, 2001.
D. Stone and Bress, W., Addressing public health risks for cyanobacteria in recreational freshwaters: the Oregon and Vermont framework, Integrated environmental assessment and management, vol. 3, pp. 137–143, 2007.
A. Stone, Organic Management of Late Blight of Potato and Tomato with Copper Products, 2010. [Online]. Available:
D. Stone, Cannabis, pesticides and conflicting laws: The dilemma for legalized States and implications for public health, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 284 - 288, 2014.
D. Stone, Jepson, P., Kramarz, P., and Laskowski, R., Time to death response in carabid beetles exposed to multiple stressors along a gradient of heavy metal pollution, Environmental Pollution, vol. 113, pp. 239–244, 2001.
A. G. Stone, Vallad, G. E., Cooperband, L. R., Rotenberg, D., Darby, H. M., James, R. V., Stevenson, W. R., and Goodman, R. M., The effect of organic amendments on soilborne and foliar diseases in field-grown snap bean and cucumber, Plant Disease , vol. 87, pp. 1037-1042, 2003.
D. Stone, Sherman, J., and Hofeld, E., Arsenic in Oregon community water systems: Demography matters, Science of the total environment, vol. 382, pp. 52–58, 2007.
A. Stone, Incorporating High Tunnels into a Diversified Organic Vegetable Farm in Oregon: Case Study of Gathering Together Farm, 2010. [Online]. Available:
D. Stone, Buhl, K. J., Gervais, J., and Luukinen, B., Developing Fact Sheets for Diverse Audiences, Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, vol. 13, pp. 6–13, 2011.
A. G. Stone, Scheuerell, S. J., and Darby, H. M., Suppression of soilborne diseases in field agricultural systems: organic matter management, cover cropping, and other cultural practices, in Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture, F. Magdoff and Weil, R., Eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2004, pp. 131-177.
D. Stone, Harding, A. K., Hope, B. K., and Slaughter-Mason, S., Exposure assessment and risk of gastrointestinal illness among surfers, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, vol. 71, pp. 1603–1615, 2008.
A. Stone and Brewer, L., Organic Seed Resource Guide, 2014. [Online]. Available:
A. Stone, White Mold of Snap Bean and Other Vegetable Crops, 2014. [Online]. Available:
D. Stone, Jepson, P., and Laskowski, R., Trends in detoxification enzymes and heavy metal accumulation in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) inhabiting a gradient of pollution, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, vol. 132, pp. 105–112, 2002.
D. Stone and Stock, T., Mothballs: Proper Use and Alternative Controls for Clothes Moths, PNW 606-E, 2008.
D. Stone, Sudakin, D. L., and Jenkins, J. J., Longitudinal trends in organophosphate incidents reported to the National Pesticide Information Center, 1995–2007, Environmental Health, vol. 8, p. 18, 2009.
A. Stone, Treadwell, D., Formiga, A., McQueen, J., Wander, M., Riddle, J., Darby, H., and Heleba, D., eOrganic: the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice for eXtension, HortTechnology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2012.
A. Stoner and Melathopoulos, A. P., Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth-Century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
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J. J. Stoorvogel, Antle, J. M., Crissman, C. C., and Bowen, W., The tradeoff analysis model: integrated bio-physical and economic modeling of agricultural production systems, Agricultural Systems, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 43 - 66, 2004.
F. Stormshak, Biochemical and endocrine aspects of oxytocin production by the mammalian corpus luteum., Reprod Biol Endocrinol, vol. 1, p. 92, 2003.
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F. Stormshak and Bishop, C., BOARD-INVITED REVIEW: Estrogen and progesterone signaling: Genomic and nongenomic actions in domestic ruminants, Journal of Animal Science, vol. , no. 2, pp. 299 - 315, 2008.