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K. J. Reever Morghan, Sheley, R., Denny, M. K., and Pokorny, M. L., Seed islands may promote establishment and expansion of native species in reclaimed mine sites (Montana), Ecological Restoration, 2005.
P. S. Doescher, Reynolds, M., and Svejcar, T., Seed Development of Perennial Pepperweed Plants Growing in Flood Meadows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
P. S. Doescher, Reynolds, M., and Svejcar, T., Seed Development of Perennial Pepperweed Plants Growing in Flood Meadows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
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J. E. Larson, Sheley, R., Hardegree, S. P., Doescher, P. S., and James, J. J., Seed and seedling traits affecting critical life stage transitions and recruitment outcomes in dryland grasses, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 5213024165487229155987499256193523154502223296023716715481011761251008222704930398219283216189822195164410036649879187, no. 1, pp. 199 - 209, 2015.
J. J. James, Boyd, C. S., and Svejcar, T., Seed and Seedling Ecology Research to Enhance Restoration Outcomes, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 115 - 116, 2013.
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S. - J. Chen, Wang, J., Wang, T., Wang, T., Mai, B. - X., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Seasonal variations and source apportionment of complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures in particulate matter in an electronic waste and urban area in South China., Sci Total Environ, vol. 573, pp. 115-122, 2016.
B. C. Strik, Seasonal variation in mineral nutrient content of primocane-fruiting blackberry leaves, HortScience, vol. 50, pp. 540-545, 2015.
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R. H. O. D. A. SITHOLE, MCDANIEL, M. I. N. A. R. A. E., and Meunier-Goddik, L., SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF CHEDDAR CHEESE WHEY POWDER: A CASE STUDY, Journal of Food Quality, vol. 2980634587918762618839, no. 5, pp. 543 - 551, 2006.
F. Kizito, Dragila, M. I., Sene, M., Lufafa, A., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R. P., Selker, J., Dossa, E., Khouma, M., Badiane, A., and , Seasonal soil water variation and root patterns between two semi-arid shrubs co-existing with Pearl millet in Senegal, West Africa, Journal of arid environments, vol. 67, pp. 436–455, 2006.
F. Kizito, Dragila, M. I., Sene, M., Lufafa, A., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R. P., Selker, J., Dossa, E., Khouma, M., Badiane, A., and , Seasonal soil water variation and root patterns between two semi-arid shrubs co-existing with Pearl millet in Senegal, West Africa, Journal of arid environments, vol. 67, pp. 436–455, 2006.
A. Grassi, Gottardello, A., Dalton, D., Tait, G., Rendon, D., Ioriatti, C., Gibeaut, D., M Stacconi, V. Rossi, and Walton, V. M., Seasonal Reproductive Biology of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Temperate Climates, Environmental Entomology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 166 - 174, 2017.
N. Wiseman, Parsons, S., Stockin, K. A., and C. Baker, S., Seasonal occurrence and distribution of Bryde's whales in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. E253 - E267, 2011.
T. Svejcar and Vavra, M., Seasonal Forage Production and Quality on Four Native and Improved Plant Communites in Eastern Oregon, 1985.
M. Vavra, Sneva, F. A., and , Seasonal Diets of Five Ungulates Grazing the Cold Desert Biome., in Proceedings of the first international rangeland congress, Denver, Colorado, USA, August 14-18, 1978 [Hyder, DN (Editor)]., 1978.
P. W. Shearer, West, J. D., Walton, V. M., Brown, P. H., Svetec, N., and Chiu, J. C., Seasonal cues induce phenotypic plasticity of Drosophila suzukii to enhance winter survival, BMC Ecology, vol. 16, no. 11, 2016.
P. W. Shearer, West, J. D., Walton, V. M., Brown, P. H., Svetec, N., and Chiu, J. C., Seasonal cues induce phenotypic plasticity of Drosophila suzukii to enhance winter survival, BMC Ecology, vol. 16, no. 11, 2016.
D. C. Ganskopp, Svejcar, T., Taylor, F., Farstvedt, J., and Paintner, K. J., Seasonal Cattle Management in 3 to 5 Year Old Bitterbrush Stands, Journal of Range Management, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 166, 1999.
I. Arismendi, Sanzana, J., and Soto, D., Seasonal age distributions and maturity stage in a naturalized rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) population in southern Chile reveal an ad-fluvial life history, Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 133 - 140, 2011.
I. Arismendi, Sanzana, J., and Soto, D., Seasonal age distributions and maturity stage in a naturalized rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) population in southern Chile reveal an ad-fluvial life history, Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 133 - 140, 2011.