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K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., Sheley, R., Johnson, D. D., Miller, R. F., Sharp, R., and Rhodes, E. C., Sagebrush steppe – research progress report 2007, Agricultural Research Service Publication, 2008.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., Sheley, R., Johnson, D. D., Miller, R. F., Sharp, R., and Rhodes, E. C., Sagebrush steppe – research progress report 2007, Agricultural Research Service Publication, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Sharp, R. N., and Davies, K. W., Sagebrush steppe recovery after fire varies by development phase of Juniperus occidentalis woodland, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 117, 2014.
D. Nelson Hyder, Sawyer, W. A., Sneva, F. A., and , Sagebrush or grass, 1958.
D. Nelson Hyder, Sawyer, W. A., Sneva, F. A., and , Sagebrush or grass, 1958.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management. Phoenix, AZ, 1985.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management . Phoenix, AZ, 1958.
L. M. Vansandt, Kutzler, M. A., Fischer, A. E., Morris, K. N., and Swanson, W. F., Safety and effectiveness of a single and repeat intramuscular injection of a GnRH vaccine (GonaCon™) in adult female domestic cats, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 521722024823855203225762222016213923101522132225, pp. 348 - 353, 2017.
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D. W. Bohnert, Sheley, R., Falck, S. J., and Nyman, A. A., Russian knapweed as a protein supplement for beef cows consuming low-quality forage, in PROCEEDINGS-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE WESTERN SECTION, 2006.
A. L. Shriver, Russian and Baltic States Fishery Developments, VIIIth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade. Office National des Peches, Marrakech, Morocco, 1996.
A. R. Mosley, James, S. R., Shock, C. C., Hane, D. C., Rykbost, K. A., Charlton, B. A., Holm, D., Love, S. L., Corsini, D. L., Pavek, J. J., and Thornton, R. E., Russet Legend: A full season long Russet for processing and fresh market use, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 77 - 81, 2000.
L. Etuk, Rahe, M. L., Crandall, M. S., Sektnan, M., and Bowman, S., Rural leadership development: Pathways to community change, Community Development, vol. 44, pp. 411–425, 2013.
F. B. Pierson, Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., and Hardegree, S. P., Runoff and erosion after cutting western juniper, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, pp. 285–292, 2007.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sawyer, W. A., Rotation-Deferred Grazing as Compared to Season-Long Grazing on Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Ranges in Oregon, Journal of Range Management, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 30, 1951.
J. J. James, Mangold, J. M., Sheley, R., and Svejcar, T., Root plasticity of native and invasive Great Basin species in response to soil nitrogen heterogeneity, Plant Ecology, vol. 202758721821831128719126876987872118283801621348174344941141899432969114143127266184181113931719, no. 2, pp. 211 - 220, 2009.
J. J. James, Mangold, J. M., Sheley, R., and Svejcar, T., Root plasticity of native and invasive Great Basin species in response to soil nitrogen heterogeneity, Plant Ecology, vol. 202758721821831128719126876987872118283801621348174344941141899432969114143127266184181113931719, no. 2, pp. 211 - 220, 2009.
J. B. Brant, Myrold, D. D., and Sulzman, E. W., Root controls on soil microbial community structure in forest soils, Oecologia, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 650 - 659, 2006.
D. B. Buchwalter, Sandahl, J. F., Jenkins, J. J., and Curtis, L. R., Roles of uptake, biotransformation, and target site sensitivity in determining the differential toxicity of chlorpyrifos to second to fourth instar Chironomous riparius (Meigen), Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 149 - 157, 2004.
E. Schroll, Lambrinos, J. G., Righetti, T. L., and Sandrock, D., The role of vegetation in regulating stormwater runoff from green roofs in a winter rainfall climate, Ecological Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 595 - 600, 2011.
E. Schroll, Lambrinos, J. G., Righetti, T. L., and Sandrock, D., The role of vegetation in regulating stormwater runoff from green roofs in a winter rainfall climate, Ecological Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 595 - 600, 2011.
S. Kolluri, Jin, U. - H., and Safe, S., Role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in carcinogenesis and potential as an anti-cancer drug target., Arch Toxicol, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 2497-2513, 2017.
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J. R. Sedell, Reeves, G. H., F. Hauer, R., Stanford, J. A., and Hawkins, C. P., Role of refugia in recovery from disturbances: Modern fragmented and disconnected river systems, Environmental Management, no. 5, pp. 711 - 724, 1990.