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L. C. Wehmas, Anders, C., Chess, J., Punnoose, A., Pereira, C. B., Greenwood, J. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Comparative metal oxide nanoparticle toxicity using embryonic zebrafish, Toxicology Reports, vol. 2, pp. 702 - 715, 2015.
L. Christine Wehmas, Tanguay, R. L., Punnoose, A., and Greenwood, J. A., Developing a Novel Embryo–Larval Zebrafish Xenograft Assay to Prioritize Human Glioblastoma Therapeutics, Zebrafish, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 317 - 329, 2016.
L. C. Wehmas, Anders, C., Chess, J., Punnoose, A., Pereira, C. B., Greenwood, J. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Comparative Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Toxicity Using Embryonic Zebrafish., Toxicol Rep, vol. 2, pp. 702-715, 2015.
L. Christine Wehmas, Tanguay, R. L., Punnoose, A., and Greenwood, J. A., Developing a Novel Embryo-Larval Zebrafish Xenograft Assay to Prioritize Human Glioblastoma Therapeutics., Zebrafish, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 317-29, 2016.
L. Christine Wehmas, Tanguay, R. L., Punnoose, A., and Greenwood, J. A., Developing a Novel Embryo-Larval Zebrafish Xenograft Assay to Prioritize Human Glioblastoma Therapeutics., Zebrafish, vol. 13, no. 4, 2016.
T. C. Wehner, Naegele, R. P., Myers, J. R., Narinder, P. S., Crosby, K., and , Cucurbits. 2020.
D. Wei, Zhang, W., Wang, C., Meng, Q., Li, G., Chen, T. H. H., and Yang, X., Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to alleviate salt-induced potassium efflux and enhances salt tolerance in tomato plants., Plant Sci, vol. 257, pp. 74-83, 2017.
J. Wei, Han, L., Song, J., and Chen, M., Evaluation of the Interactions between Water Extractable Soil Organic Matter and Metal Cations (Cu(II), Eu(III)) Using Excitation-Emission Matrix Combined with Parallel Factor Analysis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 16110, no. 7, pp. 14464 - 14476, 2015.
J. R. Weir, Elmore, D., Limb, R. F., Engle, D. M., Allred, B. W., Bidwell, T. G., and Fuhlendorf, S. D., Burning in the Growing Season, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Report E-1025. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma, 2011.
J. R. Weir and Limb, R. F., Use of Waste Oil as an Alternative Fuel in Drip Torches, Fire Management Today , vol. 71, pp. 12-14, 2011.
C. Weiß, Kolluri, S., Kiefer, F., and Göttlicher, M., Complementation of Ah receptor deficiency in hepatoma cells: negative feedback regulation and cell cycle control by the Ah receptor, Experimental cell research, vol. 226, pp. 154–163, 1996.
N. Weisbrod, McGinnis, T., Niemet, M., and Selker, J., Infiltration mechanisms of highly saline solutions and possible implications for the Hanford site, Eos Transactions AGU, vol. 81, 2000.
N. Weisbrod, Dragila, M., Nachshon, U., and Pillersdorf, M., Falling through the cracks: The role of fractures in Earth-atmosphere gas exchange, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 36, no. 2, p. n/a - n/a, 2009.
N. Weisbrod, Niemet, M. R., and Selker, J., Imbibition of saline solutions into dry and prewetted porous media, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 25, pp. 841–855, 2002.
N. Weisbrod, Niemet, M. R., Rockhold, M. L., McGinnis, T., and Selker, J., Migration of saline solutions in variably saturated porous media, Journal of contaminant hydrology, vol. 72, pp. 109–133, 2004.
N. Weisbrod, Niemet, M. R., and Selker, J., Light transmission technique for the evaluation of colloidal transport and dynamics in porous media, Environmental science & technology, vol. 37, pp. 3694–3700, 2003.
N. Weisbrod, Selker, J., Niemet, M., McGinnis, T., Cooper, C., and Ward, A., Transport mechanisms of highly concentrated solutions in layered unsaturated sedimentary basin. 2000.
N. Weisbrod, McGinnis, T., Rockhold, M. L., Niemet, M. R., and Selker, J., Effective Darcy-scale contact angles in porous media imbibing solutions of various surface tensions, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, 2009.
N. Weisbrod, Dragiila, M. Ines, and Nachshon, U., The role of cavities in earth-atmosphere interactions, in From Head Water to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 2009.
N. Weisbrod, Niemet, M. R., McGinnis, T., and Selker, J., Water vapor transport in the vicinity of imbibing saline plumes: Homogeneous and layered unsaturated porous media, Water resources research, vol. 39, 2003.
C. Weiss, Faust, D., Dürk, H., Kolluri, S., Pelzer, A., Schneider, S., Dietrich, C., Oesch, F., and Göttlicher, M., TCDD induces c-jun expression via a novel Ah (dioxin) receptor-mediated p38-MAPK-dependent pathway., Oncogene, vol. 24, no. 31, pp. 4975-83, 2005.
A. Wells and Osborne, J. P., Production of SO2 Binding Compounds and SO2 by Saccharomyces during Alcoholic Fermentation and the Impact on Malolactic Fermentation, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 32, no. 2, 2016.
A. Wells and Osborne, J. P., Impact of acetaldehyde- and pyruvic acid-bound sulphur dioxide on wine lactic acid bacteria., Lett Appl Microbiol, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 187-94, 2012.
D. R. Wells, Tanguay, R. L., Le, H., and Gallie, D. R., HSP101 functions as a specific translational regulatory protein whose activity is regulated by nutrient status, Genes & development, vol. 12, pp. 3236–3251, 1998.
D. R. Wells, Tanguay, R. L., Le, H., and Gallie, D. R., HSP101 functions as a specific translational regulatory protein whose activity is regulated by nutrient status., Genes Dev, vol. 12, no. 20, pp. 3236-51, 1998.