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Journal Article
E. Castle, A conceptual framework for the study of rural places, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, pp. 621–631, 1998.
E. Castle, Weber, B., Sandler, R., and Wu, J. J., A Conversation with Emery Neal Castle, Annual Review of Resource Economics, vol. 9, pp. 1-12, 2017.
E. Castle, Economics and the Quality of Life, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 54, no. 5, p. 723, 1972.
E. Castle, Berrens, R. P., and Polasky, S., Economics of Sustainability, The, Nat. Resources J., vol. 36, p. 715, 1996.
E. Castle, Weber, B., and Wu, J. J., Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics, Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-nature, Rural-urban Interdependencies, p. 192, 2008.
E. Castle, Johnston, R. J., Swallow, S. K., and , Land, economic change, and economic doctrine., Economics and contemporary land-use policy: development and conservation at the rural-urban fringe, pp. 21–37, 2006.
E. Castle, The Market Mechanism, Externalities, and Land Economics, Journal of Farm Economics, 1965.
E. Castle, Natural resource and environmental economics: a retrospective view, Review of agricultural economics, vol. 21, pp. 288–304, 1999.
E. Castle, Berrens, R. P., and Adams, R., Natural resource damage assessment: Speculations about a missing perspective, Land Economics, pp. 378–385, 1994.
E. Castle, Wallace, J. D., Bogart, R., and , Optimum feeding rates for wintering weaner calves., Optimum feeding rates for wintering weaner calves., 1961.
E. Castle, Wu, J. J., and Weber, B., Place Orientation and Rural-Urban Interdependence, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 179 - 204, 2011.
M. Nelson and Castle, E., Profitable Use of Fertilizer on Native Meadows, Journal of Range Management, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 80, 1958.
E. Castle, Reflections on Water Policy and Scholarship in Economics, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, vol. 116, p. 4, 2011.
E. Castle, Rural Diversity: An American Asset, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, pp. 12–21, 1993.
E. Castle, Social capital: An interdisciplinary concept, Rural sociology, vol. 67, pp. 331–349, 2002.
M. Nelson, Castle, E., and Brown, W. G., The Use of the Production Function and Linear Programming in Valuation of Intermediate Products, Land Economics, vol. 33, no. 3, p. 257, 1957.