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D. Mueller, Gleason, M. Lawrence, Lewis, D., Jeffers, S., Edmunds, B. Aurora, Warfield, C., and Williams-Woodward, J., Hosta Diseases and Pests, Sustainable Urban Landscapes (SUL), vol. 14, 2005.
L. R. Morris and Rowe, R. J., Historical land use and altered habitats in the Great Basin, Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 95, no. 6, pp. 1144 - 1156, 2014.
R. Miller, Ratchford, J., and Johnson, D. D., A history of woodland dynamics in the Owyhee’s: Encroachment, stand closure, understory dynamics, and tree biomass., Range Field Day 2008 Progress Report, 2008.
R. F. Miller and Wigand, P. E., Holocene Changes in Semiarid Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands, BioScience, vol. 4440382465047, no. 7, pp. 465 - 474, 1994.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., Historic expansion of Juniperus occidentalis (western juniper) in southeastern Oregon, The Great Basin Naturalist, pp. 37–45, 1995.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Nelson, D., and Clark, K., High velocity electron-beam radiation of pollen and comb for the control of Paenibacillus larvae subspecies larvae and Ascosphaera apis, American Bee Journal, vol. 144, pp. 714-720, 2003.
S. A. Mehlenbacher, Hazelnut breeding – an update from Oregon, Nucis Newsletter (FAO-CIHEAM) , vol. 14, pp. 9-10, 2007.
S. A. Mehlenbacher, Smith, D. C., and McCluskey, R. L., Hazelnut breeding at Oregon State University, Corylus & Co. (Rivista del Centro Studi e Ricerche sul Nocciolo e Castagno)., vol. 2, pp. 6-15, 2011.
C. Mateus, Tullos, D., and Surfleet, C. G., Hydrologic sensitivity to climate and land use changes in the Santiam River basin, Oregon, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 51, pp. 400–420, 2015.
J. G. Martin, Phillips, C. L., Schmidt, A., Irvine, J., and Law, B. E., High-frequency analysis of the complex linkage between soil CO2 fluxes, photosynthesis and environmental variables, Tree Physiology, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 49 - 64, 2012.
C. Mallory-Smith, Hulting, A. G., Thill, D., Morishita, D. W., and Krenz, J., Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management, PNW 437, 2007.
C. A. Mallory-Smith, Wada, N., and Parke, J., Here comes the sun, Digger Magazine, pp. 33-36, 2019.
A. C. Lowder, Waite-Cusic, J. G., and DeWitt, C. A. Mireles, High pressure–low temperature processing of beef: Effects on survival of internalized E. coli O157:H7 and quality characteristics, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, vol. 26, pp. 18 - 25, 2014.
A. C. Lowder, Waite-Cusic, J. G., and DeWitt, C. A. Mireles, High pressure–low temperature processing of beef: Effects on survival of internalized E. coli O157: H7 and quality characteristics, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, vol. 26, pp. 18–25, 2014.
Y. Liu, Steenhuis, T. S., Parlange, J., Bierck, B. R., Selker, J., and , High intensity X-ray and tensiometer measurements in rapidly changing preferential flow fields, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 57, pp. 1188–1192, 1993.
J. Ling, Wells, D. R., Tanguay, R. L., Dickey, L. F., Thompson, W. F., and Gallie, D. R., Heat Shock Protein HSP101 Binds to the Fed-1 Internal Light Regulator y Element and Mediates Its High Translational Activity, THE PLANT CELL ONLINE, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1213 - 1228, 2000.
J. Ling, Wells, D. R., Tanguay, R. L., Dickey, L. F., Thompson, W. F., and Gallie, D. R., Heat shock protein HSP101 binds to the Fed-1 internal light regulator y element and mediates its high translational activity., Plant Cell, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1213-27, 2000.
J. Lim, Hedonic scaling: A review of methods and theory, Food quality and preference, vol. 22, pp. 733–747, 2011.
Y. Li, Ross-Viola, J. S., Shay, N. F., Moore, D. D., and Ricketts, M. - L., Human CYP3A4 and murine Cyp3A11 are regulated by equol and genistein via the pregnane X receptor in a species-specific manner., J Nutr, vol. 139, no. 5, pp. 898-904, 2009.
Y. Li, Mezei, O., and Shay, N. F., Human and murine hepatic sterol-12-alpha-hydroxylase and other xenobiotic metabolism mRNA are upregulated by soy isoflavones., J Nutr, vol. 137, no. 7, pp. 1705-12, 2007.
J. M. Lenihan and Bachelet, D., Historical Climate and Suppression Effects on Simulated Fire and Carbon Dynamics in the Conterminous United States, Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model, pp. 17–30, 2015.