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G. A. Barron-Gafford, Hydraulic Redistribution Buffers Climate Variability and Regulates Grass‐Tree Interactions in a Semiarid Riparian Savanna, Ecohydrology, vol. 14, no. 3, e2271, pp. 1-13, 2020.
G. A. Barron-Gafford, Hydraulic Redistribution Buffers Climate Variability and Regulates Grass‐Tree Interactions in a Semiarid Riparian Savanna, Ecohydrology, vol. 14, no. 3, e2271, pp. 1-13, 2020.
J. M. Ramsay, Watral, V., Schreck, C. B., and Kent, M. L., Husbandry stress exacerbates mycobacterial infections in adult zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton), Journal of Fish Diseases, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 931 - 941, 2009.
M. A. Kutzler, Baker, R. J., and Mattson, D. E., Humoral response to West Nile virus vaccination in alpacas and llamas, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 225, no. 3, pp. 414 - 416, 2004.
A. Samoylov, Cochran, A., Schemera, B., Kutzler, M. A., Donovan, C., Petrenko, V., Bartol, F., and Samoylova, T., Humoral immune responses against gonadotropin releasing hormone elicited by immunization with phage-peptide constructs obtained via phage display, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 216, pp. 20 - 28, 2015.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Silva, J. L., Patel, M., Stojanovic, J., Lu, Y., Kim, T., and Horgan, T., Human hair as a nutrient source for horticultural crops, HortTechnology, vol. 18, no. 4, 2008.
K. M. Kolpin and Shellhammer, T., The Human Bitterness Detection Threshold of Iso-α-Acids and Tetrahydro-Iso-α-Acids in Lager Beer, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 67196040498888108, no. 4, pp. 200 - 205, 2009.
A. J. Raeder, Lyon, D. J., Harsh, J., Burke, I., Kowalewski, A. Robert, Stahnke, G. K., Cook, T. W., Goss, R. L., Kennedy, N., Yorgey, G., Frear, C., Evans, D. A., Jensen, J., Kruger, C., Long, L. E., Lang, G. A., Musacchi, S., Whiting, M. David, Whiting, M., Powers-Hammond, L., Hillers, V., Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C. George, Bary, A. I., Painter, K. Marie, Myhre, E. Anne, Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Wohleb, C. H., Hines, S., Brandt, B., Antonelli, A. L., Ramsay, C. A., Zobrist, K. W., Rasco, B., Raab, C., McCurdy, S., Finn, C. E., Strik, B. C., Moore, P. P., Hanson, S. Zeiger, Hardcastle, A., and Jull, P., How soil pH affects the activity and persistence of herbicides, Washington State University Extension, 2015.
A. J. Raeder, Lyon, D. J., Harsh, J., Burke, I., Kowalewski, A. Robert, Stahnke, G. K., Cook, T. W., Goss, R. L., Kennedy, N., Yorgey, G., Frear, C., Evans, D. A., Jensen, J., Kruger, C., Long, L. E., Lang, G. A., Musacchi, S., Whiting, M. David, Whiting, M., Powers-Hammond, L., Hillers, V., Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C. George, Bary, A. I., Painter, K. Marie, Myhre, E. Anne, Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Wohleb, C. H., Hines, S., Brandt, B., Antonelli, A. L., Ramsay, C. A., Zobrist, K. W., Rasco, B., Raab, C., McCurdy, S., Finn, C. E., Strik, B. C., Moore, P. P., Hanson, S. Zeiger, Hardcastle, A., and Jull, P., How soil pH affects the activity and persistence of herbicides, Washington State University Extension, 2015.
A. J. Raeder, Lyon, D. J., Harsh, J., Burke, I., Kowalewski, A. Robert, Stahnke, G. K., Cook, T. W., Goss, R. L., Kennedy, N., Yorgey, G., Frear, C., Evans, D. A., Jensen, J., Kruger, C., Long, L. E., Lang, G. A., Musacchi, S., Whiting, M. David, Whiting, M., Powers-Hammond, L., Hillers, V., Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C. George, Bary, A. I., Painter, K. Marie, Myhre, E. Anne, Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Wohleb, C. H., Hines, S., Brandt, B., Antonelli, A. L., Ramsay, C. A., Zobrist, K. W., Rasco, B., Raab, C., McCurdy, S., Finn, C. E., Strik, B. C., Moore, P. P., Hanson, S. Zeiger, Hardcastle, A., and Jull, P., How soil pH affects the activity and persistence of herbicides, Washington State University Extension, 2015.
M. Kaiser, Kleber, M., and Berhe, A. Asefaw, How air-drying and rewetting modify soil organic matter characteristics: An assessment to improve data interpretation and inference, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 80, pp. 324 - 340, 2015.
M. Kaiser, Kleber, M., and Berhe, A. Asefaw, How air-drying and rewetting modify soil organic matter characteristics: An assessment to improve data interpretation and inference, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 80, pp. 324 - 340, 2015.
V. C. Blake, Kling, J. G., Hayes, P. M., Jannink, J. - L., Jillella, S. R., Lee, J., Matthews, D. E., Chao, S., Close, T. J., Muehlbauer, G. J., Smith, K. P., Wise, R. P., and Dickerson, J. A., The Hordeum Toolbox: The Barley Coordinated Agricultural Project Genotype and Phenotype Resource, The Plant Genome Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 81, 2012.
D. Austin, Cross, R. M., Dodge, H. H., and Kaye, J., A Home Monitoring Approach to Mild Cognitive Impairment Severity for Improved Clinical Trials, Alzheimer's & Dementia, vol. 11, no. 7, 2015.
W. Clement Krueger, History of Rangeland Research on Catherine Creek, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
E. Kim, Bisson, W. H., Löhr, C. V., Williams, D. E., Ho, E., Dashwood, R. H., and Rajendran, P., Histone and Non-Histone Targets of Dietary Deacetylase Inhibitors., Curr Top Med Chem, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 714-31, 2016.
L. Yee Cheong, Suk, S., Thimmegowda, N. R., Chung, M. - Y., Yang, H., Seo, S. Gwon, Shwetha, B., Kim, J. - E., Kwon, J. Yeon, Kim, B. Yeon, and Lee, K. Won, Hirsutenone Directly Targets PI3K and ERK to Inhibit Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes., J Cell Biochem, vol. 116, no. 7, pp. 1361-70, 2015.
L. Yee Cheong, Suk, S., Thimmegowda, N. R., Chung, M. - Y., Yang, H., Seo, S. Gwon, Shwetha, B., Kim, J. - E., Kwon, J. Yeon, Kim, B. Yeon, and Lee, K. Won, Hirsutenone Directly Targets PI3K and ERK to Inhibit Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes., J Cell Biochem, vol. 116, no. 7, pp. 1361-70, 2015.
L. Yee Cheong, Suk, S., Thimmegowda, N. R., Chung, M. - Y., Yang, H., Seo, S. Gwon, Shwetha, B., Kim, J. - E., Kwon, J. Yeon, Kim, B. Yeon, and Lee, K. Won, Hirsutenone Directly Targets PI3K and ERK to Inhibit Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes., J Cell Biochem, vol. 116, no. 7, pp. 1361-70, 2015.
A. Hashimoto, Arnold, J., Ayars, J., Crow, S., Eggeman, T., Jakeway, L., Karkee, M., Khanal, S., Kiniry, J., Matsunaga, J., and , High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
A. Hashimoto, Arnold, J., Ayars, J., Crow, S., Eggeman, T., Jakeway, L., Karkee, M., Khanal, S., Kiniry, J., Matsunaga, J., and , High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
A. Hashimoto, Arnold, J., Ayars, J., Crow, S., Eggeman, T., Jakeway, L., Karkee, M., Khanal, S., Kiniry, J., Matsunaga, J., and , High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
C. K. Thomas, Kennedy, A. M., Selker, J., Moretti, A., Schroth, M. H., Smoot, A. R., Tufillaro, N. B., and Zeeman, M. J., High-resolution fibre-optic temperature sensing: A new tool to study the two-dimensional structure of atmospheric surface-layer flow, Boundary-layer meteorology, vol. 142, pp. 177–192, 2012.
C. Mallory-Smith, Hulting, A. G., Thill, D., Morishita, D. W., and Krenz, J., Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management, PNW 437, 2007.
D. R. Clenet, Davies, K. W., Johnson, D. D., and Kerby, J. D., Herbicide Protection Pods (HPPs) Facilitate Sagebrush and Bunchgrass Establishment under Imazapic Control of Exotic Annual Grasses, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 687-693, 2020.