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“Responses of Irrigation Water Use and Productivity of Sweet Cherry to Single-Lateral Drip Irrigation and Ground Covers”, Soil Science, vol. 176, no. 1, pp. 39 - 47, 2011.
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, “Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment. I. Accumulation and allocation of fertilizer nitrogen and biomass.”, HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 648-655, 2012.
, “Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment—II. Plant nutrient requirements in relation tonNitrogen fertilizer supply.”, HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 917-926, 2012.
, “Response of hazelnut accessions to greenhouse inoculation with Anisogramma anomala”, HortScience, vol. 45, pp. 1116-1119, 2010.
, “Response of hazelnut accessions to greenhouse inoculation with Anisogramma anomala”, HortScience, vol. 45, pp. 1116-1119, 2010.
, “Response of Bluebunch Wheatgrass and Medusahead to Defoliation”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 278 - 283, 2009.
, “Response of Bluebunch Wheatgrass and Medusahead to Defoliation”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 278 - 283, 2009.
, “Response of blackberry cultivars to fertilizer source during establishment in an organic fresh market production system.”, HortTechnology, vol. 25, pp. 277-292, 2015.
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, “A resonating rainfall and evaporation recorder”, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, 2012.
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, “Research, Extension, and Good Farming Practices Improve Water Quality and Productivity”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 14 - 30, 2012.
, “Research, Extension, and Good Farming Practices Improve Water Quality and Productivity”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 14 - 30, 2012.
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