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“Daily and alternate-day supplementation of urea or biuret to ruminants consuming low-quality forage: II. Effects on site of digestion and microbial efficiency in steers1,2”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 8279767680808022126733755582826879774069185469157774757645677381777829165669695966, no. 5, pp. 1518 - 1527, 2004.
, “Daily and alternate-day supplementation of urea or biuret to ruminants consuming low-quality forage: III. Effects on ruminal fermentation characteristics in steers1,2”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 827643728080376366331038282687940697467747545679429217249312277, no. 5, pp. 1528 - 1535, 2004.
, “Effect of corn endosperm hardness on different stages of dry grind corn process”, in 2004 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2004.
, “Effect of Effect of Endosperm Hardness on Sugar Profiles and Ethanol Yields in Dry Grind Ethanol Process”, in Meeting Abstract, 2004.
, “Effect of in-row spacing and early cropping on yield and dry weight partitioning of three highbush blueberry cultivars the first two years after planting”, Small Fruits Review, vol. 3, pp. 141-147, 2004.
, “The Eighth Circuit Grants Corporate Interests a New Weapon Against State Regulation in South Dakota Farm Bureau v. Hazeltine”, South Dakota Law Review, vol. 49, 2004.
, “Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, no. 7, pp. 2175-84, 2004.
, “Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, no. 7, pp. 2175-84, 2004.
, “ Fall Dormancy Effect on Four-Cut First Year Alfalfa Quality and Yield”, Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report, 2004.
, “Fall Dormancy Effect on Three-Cut First Year Alfalfa Quality and Yield”, Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report, 2004.
, “First estimates of regional (Allgäu, Germany) and global CH4 fluxes from wet colluvial margins of closed depressions in glacial drift areas”, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 251 - 257, 2004.
, “Forage production in a cut juniper woodland”, Range Field Day Report, pp. 24–32, 2004.
, “Harvest of the palm Chamaedorea radicalis, its effects on leaf production, and implications for sustainable management”, Conservation Biology, vol. 18, pp. 822–830, 2004.
, “Harvest of the Palm Chamaedorea radicalis, Its Effects on Leaf Production, and Implications for Sustainable Management”, Conservation Biology, vol. 185450882152, no. 3, pp. 822 - 830, 2004.
, “Histological analysis of acute toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in zebrafish.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 25-38, 2004.
, “Identification of the limiting resource within a semi-arid plant association”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 309 - 320, 2004.
, “Identification of the limiting resource within a semi-arid plant association”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 309 - 320, 2004.
, “Influence of rate, timing and method of nitrogen fertilizer application on uptake and use of fertilizer nitrogen, growth, and yield of June-bearing strawberry”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., vol. 129, pp. 165-174, 2004.
, “Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 1629-1637, 2004.
, “Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers”, vol. 80, no. 6, 2004.
, “The influence of time of overhead shading on yield, fruit quality, and subsequent flowering of hardy kiwifruit, Actinidia arguta”, NZ J. Crop and Hort. Sci., vol. 32, pp. 235-241, 2004.
, “Influences of sedimentary organic matter quality on the bioaccumulation of 4-nonylphenol by estuarine amphipods.”, Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 865-73, 2004.