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“Regional differences in carbon source-sink potential in the US”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2001.
, “Biome redistribution under climate change”, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GETR-59, pp. 18–44, 2000.
, “Dynamic simulation of tree–grass interactions for global change studies”, Ecological applications, vol. 10, pp. 449–469, 2000.
, “Interactions between fire, grazing and climate change at Wind Cave National Park, SD”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 134, pp. 229–244, 2000.
, “DGVM deathmatch: MC1 and LPJ one-on-one”, in American Geophyscial Union, fall meeting, 1999.
, MC: Corvallis Dynamic Vegetation Model. Oregon State University, 1999.
, “Andrews, PC 283”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 109, p. 325, 1998.
“Sensitivity of a biogeography model to soil properties”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 109, pp. 77–98, 1998.
, “Simulating broad-scale fire severity in a dynamic global vegetation model”, Northwest Science, vol. 72, pp. 91–101, 1998.
, “Simulating the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia and evaluating options for adaptation”, Agricultural systems, vol. 54, pp. 399–425, 1997.
, “Relationships between landforms, geomorphic processes, and plant communities on a watershed in the northern Chihuahuan Desert”, Landscape Ecology, vol. 11, pp. 351–362, 1996.
, “Balancing the rice carbon budget in China using spatially-distributed data”, Ecological modelling, vol. 79, pp. 167–177, 1995.
, , , “Organic matter inputs and methane emissions from soils in major rice growing regions of China”, Soils and Global Change, vol. 5, p. 189, 1995.
, “A regional evaluation of the effect of future climate change on rice production in Asia”, Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Asia, CAB International, UK, pp. 95–139, 1995.
, “Rice paddy inventory in a few provinces of China using AVHRR data”, Geocarto International, vol. 10, pp. 23–38, 1995.
, “Climate change and rice production in Asia”, Entwicklung und laendlicher Raum (Germany), 1994.
, “The impacts of climate change on rice yield: a comparison of four model performances”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 65, pp. 71–93, 1993.
, “The impacts of climate change on rice yield: evaluation of the efficacy of different modeling approaches”, in Systems approaches for agricultural development, Springer Netherlands, 1993, pp. 145–174.
, “Influence of Elevated CO 2 and Temperature on Wetland Rice Root Dynamics”, 農業気象, vol. 48, pp. 783–786, 1993.
, “Methane emissions from wetland rice areas of Asia”, Chemosphere, vol. 26, pp. 219–237, 1993.
, “Rice production and climate change: design and development of a GIS database to complement simulation models”, Landscape Ecology, vol. 8, pp. 77–91, 1993.