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“Biosolids and Dairy Manure as Nitrogen Sources for Prairiegrass on a Poorly Drained Soil”, jpa, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 589, 1997.
, “Biosolids Effects in Chihuahuan Desert Rangelands: A Ten-Year Study”, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2011, pp. 1 - 13, 2011.
, “Biotransformation of AFFF Component 6:2 Fluorotelomer Thioether Amido Sulfonate Generates 6:2 Fluorotelomer Thioether Carboxylate under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions”, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 283 - 288, 2018.
, “The Bitter Qualities of Reduced and Nonreduced Iso-α-acids”, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 676625360579108, no. 1, pp. 8 - 13, 2009.
, “`Black Butte' trailing blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 33, pp. 355-357, 1998.
, “`Black Diamond’ thornless trailing blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 40, pp. 2175-2178, 2005.
, “'Black Diamond' Thornless Trailing Blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 2175 - 2178, 2005.
, “'Black Magic'(TM)(APF-77) Primocane-Fruiting Blackberry”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 68, pp. 163–170, 2014.
, “`Black Pearl’ thornless trailing blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 40, pp. 2179-2181, 2005.
, “Black raspberry fruit composition over two years from seedling populations grown at four US geographic locations”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 335 - 338, 2016.
, “Black raspberry fruit composition over two years from seedling populations grown at four US geographic locations”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 335 - 338, 2016.
, “Blackberry cultivation in the world”, Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, vol. 36, pp. 46–57, 2014.
, “Blackberry production in the Pacific northwestern US: a long history and a bright future”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 35 - 44, 2016.
, “Blackberry production in the Pacific northwestern US: A long history and a bright future”, Acta Horticulturae, vol. 1133, pp. 35-43, 2016.
, “Blackberry production systems – a worldwide perspective”, Acta Hort., vol. 946, pp. 341-347, 2012.
, “Book Review of Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy”, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research , vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 187-193, 2010.
, “Bound volatile precursors in genotypes in the pedigree of 'Marion' blackberry (Rubus sp.).”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3694-9, 2010.
, “BREEDING AND GENETICS SYMPOSIUM: A systems biology definition for chicken semen quality”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 523 - 529, 2013.
, “Breeding highbush blueberry cultivars adapted to machine harvest for the fresh market”, HortTechnology, vol. 24, pp. 290–294, 2014.
, “Breeding Trait Priorities of the Blueberry Industry in the United States and Canada”, HortScience, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1021 - 1028, 2018.
, “A brief description of the VINCERA project; vulnerability and impacts of North American forests to climate change: ecosystem responses and adaptation.”, Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model, vol. 213, p. 61, 2015.
“Building the genomic infrastructure in black raspberry”, HortScience, 2014.
, “Building the genomic infrastructure in black raspberry”, HortScience, 2014.
, “Burning in the Growing Season”, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Report E-1025. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma, 2011.
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