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, “Tissue-print methods for localization of RNA and proteins in seeds”, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Seed Dormancy, vol. 773, Totowa: Humana Press, 2011, pp. 329-339.
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, “Three human cell types respond to multi-walled carbon nanotubes and titanium dioxide nanobelts with cell-specific transcriptomic and proteomic expression patterns”, Nanotoxicology, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 533 - 548, 2014.
, “Threat‐Based State and Transition Models Predict Sage‐Grouse Occurrence while Promoting Landscape Conservation”, Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 473-487, 2021.
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, “Theobroma cacao extract attenuates the development of Dermatophagoides farinae-induced atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in NC/Nga mice.”, Food Chem, vol. 216, pp. 19-26, 2017.
, “Theobroma cacao extract attenuates the development of Dermatophagoides farinae-induced atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in NC/Nga mice.”, Food Chem, vol. 216, pp. 19-26, 2017.
, “Theobroma cacao extract attenuates the development of Dermatophagoides farinae-induced atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in NC/Nga mice.”, Food Chem, vol. 216, pp. 19-26, 2017.
, “Theobroma cacao extract attenuates the development of Dermatophagoides farinae-induced atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in NC/Nga mice.”, Food Chem, vol. 216, pp. 19-26, 2017.
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