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“Flavour profiling of ‘Marion’and thornless blackberries by instrumental and sensory analysis”, Food chemistry, vol. 121, pp. 1080–1088, 2010.
, “A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests”, Forest ecology and management, vol. 259, pp. 660–684, 2010.
“Hawaiian albatrosses track interannual variability of marine habitats in the North Pacific”, Progress in Oceanography, vol. 86, no. 1-2, pp. 246 - 260, 2010.
, “Local employment growth, migration, and public land policy: Evidence from the Northwest Forest Plan”, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 35, pp. 316–333, 2010.
, “Low genetic variation in the salmon and trout parasite Loma salmonae (Microsporidia) supports marine transmission and clarifies species boundaries”, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 35 - 46, 2010.
, “Modification and further evaluation of a fluorescein-labeled peanut agglutinin test for identification of Haemonchus contortus eggs”, Veterinary Parasitology, vol. 169, no. 1-2, pp. 209 - 213, 2010.
, “Modification and further evaluation of a fluorescein-labeled peanut agglutinin test for identification of Haemonchus contortus eggs”, Veterinary Parasitology, vol. 169, no. 1-2, pp. 209 - 213, 2010.
, “Molecular characterization of Blastocystis species in Oregon identifies multiple subtypes”, Parasitology Research, vol. 106, no. 4, pp. 827 - 832, 2010.
, “The myostatin null mutation and clenbuterol administration elicit additive effects in mice”, animal, vol. 4261379250707761098025, no. 03, pp. 466 - 471, 2010.
, “The myostatin null mutation and clenbuterol administration elicit additive effects in mice”, animal, vol. 4261379250707761098025, no. 03, pp. 466 - 471, 2010.
, “Native Bunchgrass Response to Prescribed Fire in Ungrazed Mountain Big Sagebrush Ecosystems”, Fire Ecology, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 86 - 96, 2010.
, “Neglect of Genetic Diversity in Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity”, Conservation Biology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 86 - 88, 2010.
, “Non-surgical alternatives for practitioners to control reproduction in dogs and cats.”, Clinical Theriogenology, 2010.
, “ORCF-103: CLEARFIELD® Soft White Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Oxidative stability and lipid components of eggs from flax-fed hens: Effect of dietary antioxidants and storage”, Poultry Science, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 1285 - 1292, 2010.
, “Pathophysiology of the Penis”, in Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery, 3rd ed., Jackson: Teton NewMedia, 2010.
, “Perspectives on the salience and magnitude of dam impacts for hydro development scenarios in China”, Water Alternatives, vol. 3, p. 71, 2010.
, “Pleistophora hyphessobryconis (Microsporidia) infecting zebrafish Danio rerio in research facilities”, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 47 - 56, 2010.
, , “Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium in U.S. Barley Germplasm: Implications for Association Mapping”, Crop Science, vol. 50, no. 2, p. 556, 2010.
, “The Practice and Economics of Stewardship Contracting: A Case Study of the Clearwater Stewardship Project”, Forest Products Journal, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 213 - 220, 2010.
, “Prevention of breeding in the male. ”, in BSAVA Manual of Reproduction and Neonatology , 2nd ed., Gloucester: British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 2010.
, “Providing climate change information to managers: interpreting the science and estimating the uncertainty”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
, “Raptor Electrocution Rates for a Utility in the Intermountain Western United States”, Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 459 - 470, 2010.
, “Response to the Opinion paper by Margit von Lützow and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner on 'What is recalcitrant soil organic matter?' by Markus Kleber”, Environmental Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 336, 2010.