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“‘Perpetua’ ornamental reflowering blueberry”, HortScience, 2015.
, “Persistence of Biochar in Soil”, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
, “Persistence of Biochar in Soil”, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
, “Pesticide-induced oxidative stress in laboratory and field populations of native honey bees along intensive agricultural landscapes in two Eastern Indian states”, Apidologie, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 107 - 129, 2015.
, “Pesticide-induced oxidative stress in laboratory and field populations of native honey bees along intensive agricultural landscapes in two Eastern Indian states”, Apidologie, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 107 - 129, 2015.
, “Pest-Proofing Your Home”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1677, 2015.
, “Pest-Proofing Your Home”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1677, 2015.
, “Phenotypic variability in a panel of strawberry cultivars from North America and the European Union”, J Am Pomol Soc, vol. 69, pp. 85–101, 2015.
“Photoacclimation of Caulerpa cylindracea: Light as a limiting factor in the invasion of native Mediterranean seagrass meadows”, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 465, pp. 130 - 141, 2015.
, “The portfolio concept in ecology and evolution”, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 257 - 263, 2015.
, “Postemergence control of glyphosate/paraquat-resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) in tree nut orchards in the Central Valley of California”, Weed Technology, vol. 29, pp. 501–508, 2015.
, “The potential for chemical mixtures from the environment to enable the cancer hallmark of sustained proliferative signalling”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S38–S60, 2015.
, “Potential legume alternatives to fallow and wheat monoculture for Mediterranean environments”, Crop and Pasture Science, vol. 66, no. 2, p. 113, 2015.
, “Potential of Honey Bee Brood Pheromone to Enhance Foraging and Yield in Hybrid Carrot Seed”, HortTechnology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 98-104, 2015.
, “Potential of Honey Bee Brood Pheromone to Enhance Foraging and Yield in Hybrid Carrot Seed”, HortTechnology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 98-104, 2015.
, “Prefire (Preemptive) Management to Decrease Fire-Induced Bunchgrass Mortality and Reduce Reliance on Postfire Seeding”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 437 - 444, 2015.
, “Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1669, 2015.
, “Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1669, 2015.
, “Preplant compost application improves landscape plant establishment and sequesters carbon in compacted soil”, in RAMIRAN, 2015.
, “Production systems, prospects and challenges in the USA Great Plains”, Adv. Plants Agric. Res, vol. 2, 2015.
, “Projected carbon stocks in the conterminous USA with land use and variable fire regimes”, Global change biology, vol. 21, pp. 4548–4560, 2015.
, “Projected carbon stocks in the conterminous USA with land use and variable fire regimes”, Global change biology, vol. 21, pp. 4548–4560, 2015.
, “Projected major fire and vegetation changes in the Pacific Northwest of the conterminous United States under selected CMIP5 climate futures”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 317, pp. 16–29, 2015.
, “Protected Area Effectiveness in European Russia: A Post-Matching Panel Data Analysis”, Land Economics, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 149-168, 2015.
, Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phytochemicals for Health. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 328 - 337.