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Journal Article
D. M. Sullivan, Fransen, S. C., Bary, A. I., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizer Nitrogen Replacement Value of Food Residuals Composted with Yard Trimmings, Paper or Wood Wastes, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 63, no. 18, pp. 6 - 18, 1998.
D. E. Wilkins, Wysocki, D. J., Siemans, M., Ott, S., Correa, B., and Johlke, T., Fertilizer Placement in annual Crop Direct Seeded Canola, Agri. Exp. Stn Special Report 1040, 2002.
C. Buddy Rumburg and Cooper, C. Scott, Fertilizer-Induced Changes in Botanical Composition, Yield, and Quality of Native Meadow Hay, Agronomy Journal, vol. 53, no. 4, p. 255, 1961.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing farmland with yard trimmings from landscape maintenance, Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Extension., 2016.
D. M. Sullivan, Fertilizing with biosolids, Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. Extension Service.; Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Extension.; Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho. Extension.; Washington, DC: US Dept. of Agriculture., 2015.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing with manure, Washington State University. Extension, 2000.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing with manure and other organic amendments, Washington State University. Extension., 2016.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., and Sullivan, D. M., Fertilizing with yard trimmings, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, 2002.
J. Selker, Van De Giesen, N., Westhoff, M. C., Luxemburg, W., and Parlange, M. B., Fiber optics opens window on stream dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 33, 2006.
J. H. Knutson and Selker, J., Fiberglass wick effects to solute travel time and dispersion for application in monitoring vadose zone chemical transport, Redacted for Privacy, p. 59, 1996.
J. H. Knutson, Lee, S. B., Zhang, W. Q., and Selker, J., Fiberglass wick preparation for use in passive capillary wick soil pore-water samplers, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 57, pp. 1474–1476, 1993.
J. H. Knutson and Selker, J., Fiberglass wick sampler effects on measurements of solute transport in the vadose zone, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 60, pp. 420–424, 1996.
J. Boll, Steenhuis, T. S., and Selker, J., Fiberglass wicks for sampling of water and solutes in the vadose zone, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, pp. 701–707, 1992.
J. Boll, Steenhuis, T. S., Selker, J., Nijssen, B. M., and Ochs, E. S., Fiberglass wicks for sampling water and solutes from the unsaturated zone, Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers (USA), 1990.
J. Joseph Hey Harrison, Bary, A. I., and Sullivan, D. M., The field book for dairy manure applicators, Pullman, Washington: Washington State University Extension, 2017.
S. Intanon, Hulting, A. G., and Mallory-Smith, C., Field Evaluation of Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) Seed Meal for Weed Management, Weed Science, vol. 63, no. 01, pp. 302 - 311, 2015.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Whittington, R., Higo, H., and Le Doux, M., Field evaluation of neem and canola oil for the selective control of the honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) mite parasites Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) and Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae)., J Econ Entomol, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 559-67, 2000.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Whittington, R., Higo, H., and LeDoux, M., Field evaluation of neem and canola oil for the selective control of the honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) mite parasites Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroaidae) and Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae), Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 559-567, 2000.
F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Hess, M., Selker, J., and Dick, R. P., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 60, pp. 1705–1713, 1996.
M. J. Louie, Shelby, P. M., Smesrud, J. S., Gatchell, L. O., and Selker, J., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers for estimating groundwater recharge, Water Resources Research, vol. 36, pp. 2407–2416, 2000.
S. Mangla, Sheley, R., and James, J. J., Field growth comparisons of invasive alien annual and native perennial grasses in monocultures, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 206 - 210, 2011.
J. Selker, Ward, A., Niemet, M., Weisbrod, N., and Cooper, C., Field observations of transport of high concentration solutions in unsaturated sedimentary materials, Eos Transactions AGU, vol. 81, 2000.
P. Chakrabarti, Rana, S., Bandopadhyay, S., Naik, D. G., Sarkar, S., and Basu, P., Field populations of native Indian honey bees from pesticide intensive agricultural landscape show signs of impaired olfaction, Scientific Reports, vol. 51489968253363364852491693319341420681692253252468718177373182722418265259208212923227346793027548977873416, no. 1, 2015.
P. Chakrabarti, Sarkar, S., and Basu, P., Field Populations of Wild Apis cerana Honey Bees Exhibit Increased Genetic Diversity Under Pesticide Stress Along an Agricultural Intensification Gradient in Eastern India, Journal of Insect Science, vol. 18, no. 3Pt 1, 2018.