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“Will the Creek Flow Again: The Camp Creek Period”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
, “Who Should be Interviewed in Surveys of Household Income?”, World Development, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 966 - 973, 2010.
, “Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, no. 7, pp. 2175-84, 2004.
, “Water quality: what’s in your water?”, Greenhouse Management , no. October, 2011.
, “Does economic vulnerability depend on place of residence? Asset poverty across metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas”, The Review of Regional Studies, vol. 34, pp. 137–155, 2004.
, “Postharvest quality of hardy kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta ‘Ananasnaya’) associated with packaging and storage conditions”, Postharvest Biology and Technology, vol. 47, pp. 338–345, 2008.
, “Physicochemical, Sensory, and Nutritive Qualities of Hardy Kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta ‘Ananasnaya’) as Affected by Harvest Maturity and Storage”, J. Food Sci., vol. 71, pp. 204-210, 2006.
, “Iodine staining of starch in ‘Ananasnaya’ hardy kiwifruit is not useful as an indicator of harvest maturity. ”, HortTech., vol. 16, pp. 655-658, 2006.
, “An evolutionarily conserved mechanism of calcium-dependent neurotoxicity in a zebrafish model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.”, Alcohol Clin Exp Res, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1255-65, 2014.
, “An Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanism of Calcium-Dependent Neurotoxicity in a Zebrafish Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders”, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 3862620128192226632866242750225339111829305910352031994487826852201715314926279281203244775324184352972891, no. 5, pp. 1255 - 1265, 2014.
, “Use of porosity to estimate hydraulic properties of volcanic tuffs”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 26, pp. 561–571, 2003.
, “Influence of transitional volcanic strata on lateral diversion at Yucca Mountain, Nevada”, Water resources research, vol. 39, 2003.
, “Linking Hydroclimate to Fish Phenology and Habitat Use with Ichthyographs”, PLOS ONE, vol. 11147121750113147141638518292120612929, no. 12, p. e0168831, 2016.
, “Planning ecologically: the importance of management at catchment scales”, in Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas Conservation and Management., Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis.
, , “ORSS-1757: ‘SuperSoft’ Soft White Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Using remote sensing to assess the in-season nitrogen status of perennial ryegrass for seed production”, Agronomy journal, vol. 102, pp. 1441–1447, 2010.
, “Norwest 553: Hard Red Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2008.
, “Using Remote Sensing to Assess the In-Season Nitrogen Status of Perennial Ryegrass for Seed Production”, Agron. J, 2010.
, “Tubbs 06: Soft White Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2009.
, “Reaction of Winter Wheat Cultivars and Breeding Lines to Soilborne Wheat Mosiac”, Plant Dis Management Reports, 2012.
, , “ORCF-103: CLEARFIELD® Soft White Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
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