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A. N. KC and Rasmussen, A. L., First Report of Diaporthe rudis Causing Fruit Rot of European Pears in the United States, Plant Disease, pp. PDIS-12-18-2184-PDN, 2019.
P. J. Olsoy and Sorenson, K. J., First Record of Tricolored Blackbirds in Idaho, Western Birds, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 43 - 50, 2024.
S. Maxfield-Taylor, Skyrm, K. May, and Rao, S., First record of Sphaerularia bombi (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Sphaerularidae), a parasite of bumble bee queens, in the Pacific Northwest, The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 134 - 137, 2011.
G. Langellotto, Moen, D., Straub, T., and Dorn, S., The first nationally unifying mission statement and program standards for Extension Master Gardener programs at Land Grant Universities, Journal of Extension, 2015.
R. Stacconi M.V., A., G., D., D., B., M., M., O., C., I., V., W., and G., A., First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae) as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon Small fruit production areas, Entomologia, vol. 1, pp. 11-16, 2013.
M. V. Rossi Stacconi, Grassi, A., Dalton, D., Miller, B., Ouantar, M., Loni, A., Ioriatti, C., Walton, V. M., and Anfora, G., First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemiae as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon small fruit production areas, Entomologia, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013.
M. V. Rossi Stacconi, Grassi, A., Dalton, D., Miller, B., Ouantar, M., Loni, A., Ioriatti, C., Walton, V. M., and Anfora, G., First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemiae as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon small fruit production areas, Entomologia, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 3, 2013.
K. M. Daane, Wang, X. - G., Biondi, A., Miller, B., Miller, J. C., Riedl, H., Shearer, P. W., Guerrieri, E., Giorgini, M., Buffington, M., van Achterberg, K., Song, Y., Kang, T., Yi, H., Jung, C., Lee, D. Woon, Chung, B. - K., Hoelmer, K. A., and Walton, V. M., First exploration of parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii in South Korea as potential classical biological agents, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 31, pp. 823 - 835, 2016.
K. M. Daane, Wang, X. - G., Biondi, A., Miller, B., Miller, J. C., Riedl, H., Shearer, P. W., Guerrieri, E., Giorgini, M., Buffington, M., van Achterberg, K., Song, Y., Kang, T., Yi, H., Jung, C., Lee, D. W., Chung, B. - K., Hoelmer, K. A., and Walton, V. M., First exploration of parasitoids Drosophila suzukii in South Korea as potential classical biological control agents, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, pp. 823-835, 2016.
M. Sommer, Fiedler, S., Glatzel, S., and Kleber, M., First estimates of regional (Allgäu, Germany) and global CH4 fluxes from wet colluvial margins of closed depressions in glacial drift areas, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 251 - 257, 2004.
C. EL, RM, F., Childerhouse, S., NJ, P., L, B., and C. Baker, S., First Direct Evidence for Natal Wintering Ground Fidelity and Estimate of Juvenile Survival in the New Zealand Southern Right Whale. 2016.
G. C, T, F., Constantine, R., K, R., Burns, D., M. Poole, M., D, P., Hauser, N., Oremus, M., Childerhouse, S., Mattila, D., Gibbs, N., Franklin, W., Robbins, J., Clapham, P., and C. Baker, S., First assessment of interchange of humpback whales between Oceania and the east coast of Australia, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2011.
J. J. Wu and Wirkkala, T. M., Firms' motivations for environmental overcompliance, Review of Law & Economics, vol. 5, pp. 399–433, 2009.
M. Golpinath, Sheldon, I., and Echeverria, R., Firm heterogeneity and international trade: Implications for agricultural and food industries, IATRC Trade Policy Issues Paper, vol. 5, 2007.
S. L. Stephens, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C. N., and Youngblood, A., Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 191221782710310147781031413, no. 2, pp. 305 - 320, 2009.
R. F. Miller, Heyerdahl, E. K., and Hopkins, K. T., Fire regimes, pre-and post-settlement vegetation, and the modern expansion of western juniper at Lava Beds National Monument, California, Final Report to the USDI Lava Beds National Monument, 2003.
E. K. Heyerdahl, Hopkins, K. T., and Miller, R. F., Fire Regimes and Modern Expansion of Western Juniper in Northeastern California, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
J. T. Smith, Allred, B. W., Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Kleinhesselink, A. R., Morford, S. L., and Naugle, D. E., Fire Needs Annual Grasses More than Annual Grasses Need Fire, Biological Conservation, vol. 286, 2023.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., Fire History and Western Juniper Encroachment in Sagebrush Steppe, Journal of Range Management, vol. 52, no. 6, p. 550, 1999.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., Boyd, C. S., and Nafus, A. M., Is fire exclusion in mountain big sagebrush communities prudent? Soil nutrient, plant diversity and arthropod response to burning, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 417, 2014.
E. C. Rhodes, Bates, J. D., Sharp, R. N., and Davies, K. W., Fire Effects on Cover and Dietary Resources of Sage-Grouse Habitat, Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 755 - 764, 2010.
R. Contreras and Friddle, M. W., Fire blight resistance among interspecific and interploidy F1 hybrids of Cotoneaster, Proc. 60th Ann. SNA Res. Conf. 60:XXX-XXX. 2015.
S. S. L., Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
S. SL, Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications , vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
Y. AbuDagga, Finite element simulation of heat transfer in Pacific whiting surimi paste during ohmic and conventional heating, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1995.