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Journal Article
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N. I., Tanguay, R. L., Perdew, G. H., Kolluri, S. K., and Bisson, W. H., A Structural Switch between Agonist and Antagonist Bound Conformations for a Ligand-Optimized Model of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Binding Domain., Biology (Basel), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 645-69, 2014.
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N. I., Tanguay, R., Perdew, G. H., Kolluri, S., and Bisson, W. H., A structural switch between agonist and antagonist bound conformations for a ligand-optimized model of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand binding domain, Biology, vol. 3, pp. 645–669, 2014.
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N., Tanguay, R., Perdew, G., Kolluri, S., and Bisson, W. H., A Structural Switch between Agonist and Antagonist Bound Conformations for a Ligand-Optimized Model of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Binding Domain, Biology, vol. 399, no. 4, pp. 645 - 669, 2014.
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N. I., Tanguay, R. L., Perdew, G. H., Kolluri, S. K., and Bisson, W. H., A Structural Switch between Agonist and Antagonist Bound Conformations for a Ligand-Optimized Model of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Binding Domain., Biology (Basel), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 645-69, 2014.
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N. I., Tanguay, R., Perdew, G. H., Kolluri, S., and Bisson, W. H., A structural switch between agonist and antagonist bound conformations for a ligand-optimized model of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand binding domain, Biology, vol. 3, pp. 645–669, 2014.
A. Perkins, Phillips, J. Lynne, Kerkvliet, N., Tanguay, R., Perdew, G., Kolluri, S., and Bisson, W. H., A Structural Switch between Agonist and Antagonist Bound Conformations for a Ligand-Optimized Model of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Binding Domain, Biology, vol. 399, no. 4, pp. 645 - 669, 2014.
C. S. Boyd, Creutzburg, M. K., Kumar, A. V., Smith, J. T., Doherty, K. E., Mealor, B. A., Bradford, J. B., Cahill, M., Copeland, S. M., Duquette, C. A., Garner, L., Holdrege, M. C., Sparklin, B., and Cross, T. B., A Strategic and Science-Based Framework for Management of Invasive Annual Grasses in the Sagebrush Biome, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 61 - 72, 2024.
J. Duan, Kim, K., Daeschel, M. A., and Zhao, Y., Storability of antimicrobial chitosan-lysozyme composite coating and film-forming solutions., J Food Sci, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. M321-9, 2008.
D. Kumar and Murthy, G. S., Stochastic molecular model of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose for ethanol production., Biotechnol Biofuels, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 63, 2013.
D. Kumar and Murthy, G. S., Stochastic molecular model of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose for ethanol production, Biotechnology for biofuels, vol. 6, p. 1, 2013.
S. Rao, Stephen, W. P., Kimoto, C., and DeBano, S. J., The Status of the ‘Red-Listed’ Bombus occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Apiformes) in Northeastern Oregon, Northwest Science, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 64 - 67, 2011.
S. Hantson, Arneth, A., Harrison, S. P., Kelley, D. I., I Prentice, C., Rabin, S. S., Archibald, S., Mouillot, F., Arnold, S. R., Artaxo, P., and , The status and challenge of global fire modeling, Biogeosciences, vol. 13, pp. 3359–3375, 2016.
K. E. Doherty, Maestas, J., Remington, T., Naugle, D. E., Boyd, C. S., Wiechman, L., Bedrosian, G., Cahill, M., Coates, P., Crist, M., Holdrege, M. C., Kumar, A. V., Mozelewski, T., O'Connor, R., Olimpi, E. M., Olsen, A., Prochazka, B. G., Reinhardt, J. R., Smith, J. T., Sparklin, W. D., Theobald, D. M., and Wollstein, K., State of the Sagebrush: Implementing the Sagebrush Conservation Design to Save a Biome, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 1 - 11, 2024.
R. N. Lehman, Kennedy, P. L., and Savidge, J. A., The state of the art in raptor electrocution research: A global review, Biological Conservation, vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 159 - 174, 2007.
T. K. Stringham, Krueger, W. Clement, and Shaver, P. L., State and Transition Modeling: An Ecological Process Approach, Journal of Range Management, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 106, 2003.
N. J. Günwald, Goss, E. M., Ivors, K., Garbelotto, M., Martin, F. N., Prospero, S., Hansen, E. M., Bonants, P. J. M., Hamelin, R. C., Chastagner, G., Werres, S., Rizzo, D. M., Abad, G., Beales, P., Bilodeau, G. J., Blomquist, C. L., Brasier, C., Sère, S. C., Chandelier, A., Davidson, J. M., Denman, S., Elliott, M., Frankel, S. J., Goheen, E. M., de Gruyter, H., Heungens, K., James, D., Kanaskie, A., McWilliams, M. G., Veld, W. ‘t, Moralejo, E., Osterbauer, N. K., Palm, M. E., Parke, J., Sierra, A. Maria Pere, Shamoun, S. F., Shishkoff, N., Tooley, P. W., Vettraino, A. Maria, Webber, J., and Widmer, T. L., Standardizing the Nomenclature for Clonal Lineages of the Sudden Oak Death Pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, Phytopathology, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 792 - 795, 2009.
P. L. Kennedy, Bartuszevige, A. M., Houle, M., Humphrey, A. B., Dugger, K. M., and Williams, J. D., Stable occupancy by breeding hawks ( Buteo spp.) over 25 years on a privately managed bunchgrass prairie in northeastern Oregon, USA, The Condor, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 435 - 445, 2014.
T. Endo, Hisamichi, Y., Kimura, O., Haraguchi, K., LAVERY, S. H. A. N. E., Dalebout, M. L., Funahashi, N., and C. Baker, S., Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen and mercury concentrations in 13 toothed whale species taken from the western Pacific Ocean off Japan, Environmental Science and Technology, 2010.
T. Endo, Hotta, Y., Hisamichi, Y., Kimura, O., Sato, R., Haraguchi, K., Funahashi, N., and C. Baker, S., Stable isotope ratios and mercury levels in red meat products from baleen whales sold in Japanese markets, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, vol. 79, pp. 35 - 41, 2012.
R. Mikutta, Kleber, M., Torn, M. S., and Jahn, R., Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter: Association with Minerals or Chemical Recalcitrance?, Biogeochemistry, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 25 - 56, 2006.
R. W. Smiley, Marshall, J. M., Gourlie, J. A., Paulitz, T. C., Kandel, S. L., Pumphrey, M. O., Garland-Campbell, K., Yan, G., Anderson, M. D., Flowers, M. D., and Jackson, C. A., Spring Wheat Tolerance and Resistance to Heterodera avenae in the Pacific Northwest, Plant Disease, vol. 97, no. 5, pp. 590 - 600, 2013.
D. P. Froman and Kirby, J. D., Sperm Mobility: Phenotype in Roosters (Gallus domesticus) Determined by Mitochondrial Function, Biology of Reproduction, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 562 - 567, 2005.
L. M. Ellsworth, Litton, C. M., Taylor, A. D., and J. Kauffman, B., Spatial and temporal variability of guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) fuel loads and moisture on Oahu, Hawaii, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 22, no. 8, p. 1083, 2013.
M. Klein, Rondon, S. I., Walenta, D. L., Zeb, Q., and Murphy, A. F., Spatial and temporal dynamics of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the Columbia Basin and Northeastern Oregon, Journal of Economic Entomology, 2017.
J. Davis, Higginbotham, A., O'Connor, T., Moustaid-Moussa, N., Tebbe, A., Kim, Y. - C., Cho, K. Won, Shay, N., Adler, S., Peterson, R., and Banz, W., Soy protein and isoflavones influence adiposity and development of metabolic syndrome in the obese male ZDF rat., Ann Nutr Metab, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 42-52, 2007.