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“1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Previous Rangeland Management Progress Report”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986.
, “Comparative Water Relations of Carex geyeri and Calamagrostis rubescens”, Botanical Gazette, vol. 147, no. 1, pp. 71 - 77, 1986.
, “Diets and Liveweight Changes of Cattle Grazing Fall Burned Gulf Cordgrass”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 39, no. 3, p. 233, 1986.
, “The ecology and management of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum): A review”, Station bulletin/Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (USA), 1986.
, , “Development and longevity of ephemeral and perennial leaves on Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis”, The Great Basin Naturalist, pp. 227–230, 1987.
, “Drilling versus Imprinting for Establishing Crested Wheatgrass in the Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Steppe”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 40, no. 6, p. 524, 1987.
, “Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone-Induced Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone during the Milk-Ejection Reflex in the Postpartum Beef Cow2”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 543 - 547, 1987.
, “Mefluidide Effects on Forage Quality of Crested Wheatgrass1”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 79, no. 4, p. 637, 1987.
, , “Water relations and leaf morphology of Juniperus occidentalis in the northern Great Basin”, Forest science, vol. 33, pp. 690–706, 1987.
, “A brief overview of the strategies used to develop some insect susceptibilities sensitized MPCA bioassay protocols”, Proceedings of the EPA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Review. Baltimore, MD, 1988.
, “Growth analysis of field-grown strawberry genotypes differing in yield. I. The matted row system”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. , vol. 113, no. 6, pp. 894-899, 1988.
, “Growth analysis of field-grown strawberry genotypes differing in yield. II. The hill system”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. , vol. 113, no. 6, pp. 899-904, 1988.
, “The importance of growth during flower bud differentiation to maximizing yield in strawberry genotypes”, Fruit Var. J. , vol. 42, pp. 45-48, 1988.
, , Range Research Areas in the Western United States, vol. 671. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 1988.
, “The relationship between achene number, achene density and berry fresh weight in strawberry”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., vol. 113, pp. 620-623, 1988.
, “Yield component analysis of strawberry genotypes differing in productivity”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., vol. 113, pp. 124-129, 1988.
, “Implications of Dietary Overlap to Management of Free-Ranging Large Herbivores”, in Proceeding, Western Section. American Society of Animal Science, 1989.
, “Preferential flow in homogeneous sandy soils without layering”, Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers (USA), 1989.
, “Preferential flow in homogeneous sandy soils without layering”, Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers (USA), 1989.
, “Supplement to SB 659: adjusting and forecasting herbage yields in the Intermountain Big Sagebrush Region of the Steppe Province”, Station bulletin/Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University (USA), 1989.
, “Survival and reentrainment of bacteria on the phylloplane”, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, LA, 1989.
, “Calibration and testing of a daily rainfall erosivity model”, Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 33, pp. 1–1617, 1990.