- Pollen Collected by Native Bumble Bee Colonies Placed Adjacent to Red Clover
- Characterization of Pollen Loads from Pollen Traps Placed in Honey Bee Hives in Red Clover Seed Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Year to Year Variation in Bumble Bee Acitivity in Red Clover Seed Produciton Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Native Bumble Bee Diversity, Abundance, and Pollination in Crimson Clover and Hairy Vetch Seed Production Fields in Western Oregon
- Fertilization of the Choke Pathogen in Orchardgrass Seed Production Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Evaluation of Newly Formulated Molluscides for Control of Slugs in Western Oregon Grass Seed Fields
- Sharppoint Fluvellin Biology and Management in Spring-Seeded Tall Fescue Grown for Seed
- Effects of Longer Term Storage on Seed Germination from Grass Seed Harvested at Different Seed Moisture Contents
- Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Methods for Maintaining Stand Productivity in Fine Fescue Seed Crop Production Systems in the Absence of Open Field Burning, 2010
- Energy Use and Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass Seed Production
- How Well Do Barn Owl Nest Boxes Work in Attacting Barn Owls in the Willamette Valley
- Making Sense of Nitrogen Flux Patterns in the Calapooia River Basin
- Grass Seed Agriculture and Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Wetlands in the Southern Willamette Valley
- Camelina: Potential Oil Seed Rotation Crop for the Willamette Valley
- Tolerance of Teff to Herbicides
- Downy Brome Control in Newly Planted Kentucky Bluegrass Grown for Seed Under Columbia Basin Conditions
- Influence of Previous Crop and Herbicide Treatments on Rattail Fescue Control in Seedling Kentucky Bluegrass Grown Under Columbia Basin Conditions
- Elucidating the Biology of Bluegrass and Denver Billbugs in NE Oregon
The following authors have contributed to this report. Use of a commercial or proprietary product in research does not constitute an endorsement of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or Oregon State University.
Columbia Basin Agricultural and Research Center
A. Ball, Professor
- Downy Brome Control in Newly Planted Kentucky Bluegrass Grown for Seed Under Columbia Basin Conditions
- Influence of Previous Crop and Herbicide Treatments on Rattail Fescue Control in Seedling Kentucky Bluegrass Grown Under Columbia Basin Conditions
D.J. Wysocki, Extension Soil Scientist
- Camelina: Potential Oil Seed Rotation Crop for the Willamette Valley
Cooperative Extension Service - OSU
N.P. Anderson, North Valley Extension Field Crops Agent, Washington, Yamhill and Polk Counties
- Native Bumble Bee Diversty, Abundance, and Pollination in Crimson Clover and Hairy Vetch Seed Production Fields in Western Oregon
- Evaluation of Newly Formulated Molluscides for Control of Slugs in Western Oregon Grass Seed Fields
M.E. Mellbye, District Extension Agent, Linn, Benton and Lane Counties
T.B Silberstein, Exension Agent, Marion and Clackamas Counties
- Effects of Longer Term Storage on Seed Germination from Grass Seed Harvested at Different Seed Moisture Contents
- Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Methods for Maintaining Stand Productivity in Fine Fescue Seed Crop Production Systems in the Absence of Open Field Burning, 2010
D.L. Walenta, Extension Crops Specialist, Union County
Department of Crop and Soil Science – OSU
T.G. Chastain, Associate Professor, Seed Crop Physiology
- Effects of Longer Term Storage on Seed Germination from Grass Seed Harvested at Different Seed Moisture Contents
- Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Methods for Maintaining Stand Productivity in Fine Fescue Seed Crop Production Systems in the Absence of Open Field Burning, 2010
- Energy Use and Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass Seed Production
- Camelina: Potential Oil Seed Rotation Crop for the Willamette Valley
D.W. Curtis, Faculty Research Assistant
- Sharppoint Fluvellin Biology and Management in Spring-Seeded Tall Fescue Grown for Seed
- Tolerance of Teff to Herbicides
A.V. Derkatch, Former Student Worker
A.J. Dreves, Research Associate, Entomology
C.J. Garbacik, Senior Faculty Research Assistant
- Energy Use and Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass Seed Production
- Camelina: Potential Oil Seed Rotation Crop for the Willamette Valley
B.J. Hinds-Cook, Faculty Research Assistant
- Sharppoint Fluvellin Biology and Management in Spring-Seeded Tall Fescue Grown for Seed
- Tolerance of Teff to Herbicides
G.D. Hoffman, Research Associate, IPM
- Fertilization of the Choke Pathogen in Orchardgrass Seed Production Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Evaluation of Newly Formulated Molluscides for Control of Slugs in Western Oregon Grass Seed Fields
A.G. Hulting, Assistant Professor, Extension Weeds Specialist
- Sharppoint Fluvellin Biology and Management in Spring-Seeded Tall Fescue Grown for Seed
- Tolerance of Teff to Herbicides
J.M. Kaser, Faculty Research Assistant, Entomology
C.A. Mallory-Smith, Professor of Weed Science
- Sharppoint Fluvellin Biology and Management in Spring-Seeded Tall Fescue Grown for Seed
- Tolerance of Teff to Herbicides
S. Maxfield-Taylor, Graduate Student, Entomology
S. Rao, Professor, Entomology
- Pollen Collected by Native Bumble Bee Colonies Placed Adjacent to Red Clover
- Characterization of Pollen Loads from Pollen Traps Placed in Honey Bee Hives in Red Clover Seed Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Year to Year Variation in Bumble Bee Activity in Red Clover Seed Produciton Fields in the Willamette Valley
- Native Bumble Bee Diversty, Abundance, and Pollination in Crimson Clover and Hairy Vetch Seed Production Fields in Western Oregon
- Fertilization of the Choke Pathogen in Orchardgrass Seed Production Fields in the Willamette Valley
K.M. Skyrm, Graduate Research Assistant, Entomology
W.P. Stephen, Professor Emeritus, Entomology
- Pollen Collected by Native Bumble Bee Colonies Placed Adjacent to Red Clover
- Year to Year Variation in Bumble Bee Acitivity in Red Clover Seed Produciton Fields in the Willamette Valley
W.C. Young III, Professor Emeritus, Extension Seed Production
- Effects of Longer Term Storage on Seed Germination from Grass Seed Harvested at Different Seed Moisture Contents
- Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Methods for Maintaining Stand Productivity in Fine Fescue Seed Crop Production Systems in the Absence of Open Field Burning, 2010
- How Well Do Barn Owl Nest Boxes Work in Attacting Barn Owls in the Willamette Valley
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
B.D Duggar, Associate Professor
T.S. Garcia, Assistant Professor
W.J. Gerth, Senior Faculty Research Assistant
J.A. Gervais, Wildlife Ecologist
G. R. Giannico, Associate Professor
- Making Sense of Nitrogen Flux Patterns in the Calapooia River Basin
- Grass Seed Agriculture and Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Wetlands in the Southern Willamette Valley
A.T. Herlihy, Professor (Senior Research)
J.L. Li, Courtesy Professor
L.A. Wyss, Student
Hermiston Experiment Station
S.I. Rondon, Assistant Professor
National Forage Seed Production Research Center - USDA-ARS
S.C. Alderman, Professor and Research Plant Pathologist
G.M. Banowetz, Research Microbiologist and Research Leader
S.M. Griffith, Professor and Research Plant Physiologist
G.W. Mueller-Warrant, Associate Professor and Research Agronomist
W.F. Pfender, Professor and Research Plant Physiologist
G.W. Whittaker, Research Hydrologist
This report has been published with a grant from the Oregon Seed Council
Appreciation is expressed to the Officers of the
2010-2011 Oregon Seed Council:
Larry Venell, President
John Odenthal, FirstVice President
Nick Bowers, Second Vice President
Don Doerfler, Treasurer
Roger Beyer, Executive Secretary
Business Address
Oregon Seed Council
494 State Street, Suite 220
Salem, OR 97301
Tel: (503) 585-1157
FAX: (503) 585-1292
Sincere appreciation is also extended to the growers who have allowed trials to be conducted on their farms. Data presented in many of the research reports would not be available without their cooperation.
Lastly, appreciation is also expressed to Mrs. Barbara Reed for her conscientious attention to detail in formatting this manuscript for publication.