

Providing growers with up-to-date information and news on potato issues, such as pests and diseases, and resources to help growers produce better potatoes.

Foundation Seed Program

Due to budget constraints and changes in overall potato program operations, the Oregon Foundation Potato Seed Program will no longer be producing certified minitubers or tissue culture plantlets. Learn more >

Potato Seed Certification

Oregon State's Seed Certification Service provides growers with crop standards, a grower directory and Oregon potato information and more.


An email group that allows users to share potato-related issues, run by OSU's Potato Program and the Potato Association of America. Click to join now.

Potato Pests

Silvia Rondon, who works at Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, studies potato pests and control methods of these pests. She has put together a comprehensive list of resources on her lab site.

General Potato Information

Resources and infpormation that potato growers need to grow the best potatoes possible for fresh market, specialty, and processing.

Potato FAQs

How to choose the right variety for your area and more. 

Potato Links

Potato Variety Management Institute

Oregon Potato Commission

Washington Potato Commission