Primary tabs
John Selker
- Hydrologic Instrumentation;
- Vadose Zone Hydrology;
- Groundwater Hydrology;
- Stochastic Hydrology; and
- Contaminant Transport.

selkerj [at]
Office: 541-737-6304
Other: 1-541-829-0137
Gilmore Hall
124 SW 26th Street
Current Research:
Directs laboratory experiments in five facilities, including column/chamber experiments, flow of non-Newtonian fluids, sediment transport, and development of instrumentation for hydrological research. Directs multi-dimensional numerical research including simulation of two and three-phase flow in porous media, focusing on the role of local heterogeneity upon fate and transport, and management of aquifers (e.g., for Aquifer Storage and Recovery). Field experiments are ongoing in Oregon (atmospheric turbulence, river/aquifer exchange, artificial recharge of aquifers for habitat restoration), France/Switzerland/Spain/Germany (DTS), Chile (swelling soil hydrology), and across Africa (automated remote monitoring of hydrologic variables).