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Leon Liegel
- Kerns, B.K., Liegel, L., Pilz, D., Alexander, S.J. 2002. Biological inventory and monitoring. Pgs. 237-269. In: Nontimber Forest Products in the United States. Eric T. Jones, Rebecca J. McLain, James Weigand (Eds.). University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. 424 p.
- Liegel, L.H. 1999. Deforestation. Pgs. 113-115. In: Alexander, D.E. and R.W. Fairgbridge (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 741 p.
- Liegel, L.H., D. Pilz, T. Love, and E. Jones. 1998. Integrating biological, socioeconomic and managerial methods and results in the MAB Mushroom Study. AMBIO Special Report No. 9:26-33.
- Bailey, J.D. and L.H. Liegel. 1998. Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.) growth and site factors in Western Oregon. Northwest Science 72(4):283-292.
- Bailey, JD; Liegel, LH. 1997, Response of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) to partial removal of the overstory. Western J. Applied Forestry 12(2):41-43.
- Liegel, LH. 1992. Organic carbon sequestration in the soils of Puerto Rico. Pgs. 9-32. In Beinroth, F.H. (Ed.). carbon sequestration in the soils of Puerto Rico - A case study of a tropical environment. University of Puerto Rico, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Mayaguez, PR, and the US Dep. Agric., Soil Conservation Service, World Soil Resources Division, Washington, DC. 67 p.
- Liegel, L; Cassell, D; Church, R; Stevens, D; and Shaffer, P. 1991. Characteristics of land use in Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Associations with acid rain effects on surface‑water chemistry. Environmental Management 15: 269‑279.
- Liegel, L.H. and D. Thompson. 1989. Poster presentations for scientific meetings. J. Agron. Educ. 18:69-75.
- Liegel, LH. 1986. Effects of sterilization procedures on the biological, chemical, and physical properties of soil: A review. Turrialba 36(1): 11‑19.
- Liegel, L.H., W.E. Balmer and G.W. Ryan. 1985. Honduras pine spacing trial results in Puerto Rico after 18 to 20 years. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 9(2):69-75.
- Liegel, L.H. 1984. Assessment of hurricane rain/wind damage in Pinus caribaea and Pinus oocarpa provenance trials in Puerto Rico. Commonw. For. Rev. 63:47-53.
- Liegel, LH. 1984. Effect of adding magnesium nitrate before dry‑ashing on phosphorus in Honduras pine foliage. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 68(2): 219‑221
- Liegel, LH. 1983. Effect of dry‑heat sterilization on chemical properties of Puerto Rican soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 14(4): 277‑286.
Leon.Liegel [at]
Research/Career Interests
NOTE: Current position does not allow grant fund solicitation and support of graduate students.
- Teach Ecampus SOIL 511: knowledge of soil biological, chemical, and physical properties + societal goals = deciding use, enhance, or protect soil resources; 2019 to present.
- Incorporate Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) principles across Crop and Soil Science (CSS) Departmental education, research, extension, and service focal areas and in Ecampus online courses; 2021-22 Academic Year to present.
- Sustainable Forestry research, extension, and outreach in the USA; 2001-2007.
- National/Pacific Northwest Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) research-assessment-training; 1993-2001.
- Non-timber forest products use and research in temperate/tropical forest ecosystems; 1992 to present.
- Carbon sequestration and global climate change in temperate/tropical forest ecosystems; 1990-91.
- Acid rain effects on stream/lake watershed soil chemistry from Maine to Georgia, USA; 1985-1990.
- Plantation-natural tropical forest-soil science research in Puerto Rico/the Caribbean Basin; 1973-1989.
- Island-wide natural resource field and office inventory protocols in Puerto Rico; 1971-73.
- Management of dry to wet forest ecosystems in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Honduras; April-June 1971.
- USDA Soil Conservation Service woodland conservation practices in Puerto Rico; summer 1970.
Selected Publications: