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Leon Liegel

Courtesy Appointment
Leon.Liegel [at]

Research/Career Interests

NOTE: Current position does not allow grant fund solicitation and support of graduate students.

- Teach Ecampus SOIL 511: knowledge of soil biological, chemical, and physical properties + societal goals = deciding use, enhance, or protect soil resources; 2019 to present. 

- Incorporate Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) principles across Crop and Soil Science (CSS) Departmental education, research, extension, and service focal areas and in Ecampus online courses; 2021-22 Academic Year to present.

- Sustainable Forestry research, extension, and outreach in the USA; 2001-2007.

- National/Pacific Northwest Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) research-assessment-training; 1993-2001.

- Non-timber forest products use and research in temperate/tropical forest ecosystems; 1992 to present.

- Carbon sequestration and global climate change in temperate/tropical forest ecosystems; 1990-91.

- Acid rain effects on stream/lake watershed soil chemistry from Maine to Georgia, USA; 1985-1990.

- Plantation-natural tropical forest-soil science research in Puerto Rico/the Caribbean Basin; 1973-1989.

- Island-wide natural resource field and office inventory protocols in Puerto Rico; 1971-73.

- Management of dry to wet forest ecosystems in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Honduras; April-June 1971.

- USDA Soil Conservation Service woodland conservation practices in Puerto Rico; summer 1970.

Selected Publications:

  1. Kerns, B.K., Liegel, L., Pilz, D., Alexander, S.J. 2002. Biological inventory and monitoring. Pgs. 237-269. In: Nontimber Forest Products in the United States. Eric T. Jones, Rebecca J. McLain, James Weigand (Eds.). University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. 424 p.
  2. Liegel, L.H. 1999. Deforestation. Pgs. 113-115. In: Alexander, D.E. and R.W. Fairgbridge (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 741 p.
  3. Liegel, L.H., D. Pilz, T. Love, and E. Jones. 1998. Integrating biological, socioeconomic and managerial methods and results in the MAB Mushroom Study. AMBIO Special Report No. 9:26-33.
  4. Bailey, J.D. and L.H. Liegel. 1998. Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.) growth and site factors in Western Oregon. Northwest Science 72(4):283-292.
  5. Bailey, JD; Liegel, LH.  1997, Response of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) to partial removal of the overstory.  Western J. Applied Forestry 12(2):41-43. 
  6. Liegel, LH. 1992. Organic carbon sequestration in the soils of Puerto Rico. Pgs. 9-32. In Beinroth, F.H. (Ed.). carbon sequestration in the soils of Puerto Rico - A case study of a tropical environment. University of Puerto Rico, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Mayaguez, PR, and the US Dep. Agric., Soil Conservation Service, World Soil Resources Division, Washington, DC. 67 p.
  7. Liegel, L; Cassell, D; Church, R; Stevens, D; and Shaffer, P.  1991. Characteristics of land use in Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Associations with acid rain effects on surface‑water chemistry.  Environmental Management 15: 269‑279. 
  8. Liegel, L.H. and D. Thompson. 1989. Poster presentations for scientific meetings. J. Agron. Educ. 18:69-75.
  9. Liegel, LH. 1986. Effects of sterilization procedures on the biological, chemical, and physical properties of soil:  A review. Turrialba 36(1): 11‑19. 
  10. Liegel, L.H., W.E. Balmer and G.W. Ryan. 1985. Honduras pine spacing trial results in Puerto Rico after 18 to 20 years. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 9(2):69-75.
  11. Liegel, L.H. 1984. Assessment of hurricane rain/wind damage in Pinus caribaea and Pinus oocarpa provenance trials in Puerto Rico. Commonw. For. Rev. 63:47-53.
  12. Liegel, LH.  1984. Effect of adding magnesium nitrate before dry‑ashing on phosphorus in Honduras pine foliage.  J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico.  68(2): 219‑221
  13. Liegel, LH.  1983. Effect of dry‑heat sterilization on chemical properties of Puerto Rican soils.  Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 14(4): 277‑286.
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