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Navneet Kaur

Assistant Professor
Navneet.Kaur [at]

Office: 541-737-5884

Agricultural & Life Sciences

Agricultural & Life Sciences 3069

2750 SW Campus Way

2750 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

My research focus is to develop and facilitate the implementation of integrated pest management strategies for sustainable arthropod pest management in diverse Oregon cropping systems. My research interests include insect biology and ecology, host plant resistance, insect biocontrol, insect vector- plant-pathogen interactions, and insecticide resistance. I am the editor for the Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook; one of the widely used resources for practical insect pest management in the PNW.

My extension and applied research activities in Field Crops Entomology Program are aimed to deliver the latest information for the management of arthropods and related pests in field crops in western Oregon. The overall goal is to facilitate the adoption of improved arthropod management practices and whole system strategies (IPM) to improve profitability and environmental sustainability.

Graduate student and undergraduate research opportunities are available! Please send your research interest and goals directly to