Hey there Earth-cog, happy you stumbled upon or internetty-web-pagey-thingamabob-doodle...I just wanted to welcome you and tell you a little about who we are, what we do, and to encourage you to come participate in our farm project.
The OSU Organic Growers Club is an all-volunteer, student-run, organic farming project that began in 2000 (Back when organic farming was not all the rage it is these days!). The group was founded by a handful of undergraduate students on the radical notion that folks getting a degree in agriculture science should at some point in there academic careers, put a seed in the ground, take care of it, and harvest the benefits of that effort (what'll these crazy kids think of next?!?). Since then, the group and the farm have grown into much more than a ideological reaction and more toward a forward thinking community of students, staff, and faculty that have a common interest in food, fun, and above all experiencing the reality that is ecosystem sustenance.
A Welcome Message from James Cassidy
Crop and Soil Science Instructor - CSS 205/305
Faculty Research Assistant - Soil Physics Laboratory
OSU Organic Growers Club - Member/Marketing Director/Faculty Advisor
The OSU Organic Growers Club farm is located on ~2 acres of OSU agricultural research land and has gained the support of many forward thinking faculty and administrative folks which have helped us to grow into a student organization with over 300 members and 400 community clients!
On the farm we grow tons of different veggies and fruit the bulk of which we sell to the on-campus community. Proceeds from our veggie sales go directly back into farm operations, fund summer internships, and are used to support many philanthropic activities in the Corvallis area.
One major activity that we encourage everyone on the planet to participate in is the Mighty Hoo Haa and Earth Day Celebration that we host each year on Earth Day (April 22nd don'cha know). This celebration attracts many hundreds of people from all around our area who enjoy the benefits of free food, free music, free transportation, and lots of free activities including: the human tilling machine, chicken tractor, horse-power, soil power, solar power, bubbles, gourd and face painting, kid-wrangling, planting 1000's of onions, lettuce, beet seeds, a GIANT SLINGSHOT?!?, after-hours Hootenanny, and calm and contemplative silence enjoying the reality that is LIFE ON PLANET EARTH! and much, much more.
Please take a few moments and have a look around the website and see what we are up to and check us out sometime at one of our work parties. Typically we have Sunday Skool work parties every Sunday 9-12 and Thursday night Harvest parties (with free hot supper - bring a spoon and bowl!) that start at 4:30. Please contact me if you would like to join our list serve where we will not send you more than one email a week (unless we just have too!) which will keep you up to date on all the cool activities we have going on.
There is something for everybody in our group, you don't have to know anything about farming just a desire to change the world and eat some great food! Thanks, please don't hesitate to contact me. Hoo Haa!