aylor, A. E., Waggoner, A.*, Myrold, D. D., Downing, T. W., Bottomley, P. J., USDA-NIFA AFRI, Bioeconomy, Climate, Agroecosystems Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, "The Impact of Archaeal and Bacterial Nitrifiers on the Fate of Digester N Applied to Fodder Crops," Tampa, Florida. National. (October 2017).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, 5th International Conference on Nitrification, "Response of soil nitrite oxidation and accumulation to temperature," Vienna, Austria. International. (July 2017).
Taylor, A. E., Giguere, A. Author*, Waggoner, A. Author*, Jones, G. Author**, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, EPA R10 AFO/CAFO Workshop, "Effects of Digested Dairy Manure on Soil Microbe Populations.," Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Regional, Invited. (September 2016).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Giguere, A. T. Author*, Zoebelein, C. M. Author*, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, "Modeling of soil nitrification responses to temperature reveals thermodynamic differences between ammonia-oxidizing activity of archaea and bacteria," Montreal Canada. International, Accepted. (August 2016).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Giguere, A. T. Author*, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative/National Integrated Water Quality Annual Project Directors Meeting, "Drivers and impacts of the differential contributions of archaea and bacteria to soil nitrification," Greensboro, NC. National, Accepted. (2015).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Giguere, A. Author*, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, USDA NIFA Directors Meeting, "Response of soil nitrification to temperature gradient shifts," Greensboro, NC. National, Accepted. (July 2015).
Taylor, A. E., Giguere, D., Myrold, D. D., Bottomley, P., 4th International Conference on Nitrification, "Response of soil nitrification to temperature gradient shifts," Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. International. (June 2015).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Giguere, A. Author*, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, 4th International Conference on Nitrification, "Response of soil nitrification to temperature gradient shifts," University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta Canada. International. (June 2015).
Taylor, A. E., Giguere, A. Author*, Tennigkeit, B. Author**, Taylor, K. Author**, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, Brina Tennigkeit, "Discriminating between soil nitrification activities of ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaea and bacteria in a range of Oregon soils," University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. State, Invited. (April 2014).
Taylor, A. E., Giguere, A. Author*, Tennigkeit, B. Author**, Taylor, K. Author**, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, "Use of aliphatic n-alkynes to discriminate soil nitrification activities of ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaea and bacteria," Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center, Madras, OR. Local, Invited. (April 2014).
Taylor, A. E., Vajrala, N., Giguere, A. Author*, Gitelman, A. Author, Arp, D. J., Myrold, D. D., Sayavedra-Soto, L. A., Bottomley, P. J., 3rd International Conference on Nitrification, "Use of aliphatic n-alkynes to discriminate soil nitrification activities of ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaea and bacteria," Tokyo, Japan. International, Invited. (September 2013).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Wanzek, T. Author**, Zeglin, L. Author, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, "Cropping phase and seasonal effects on population dynamics and relative contributions of ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria to soil nitrification potential activities," Portland, OR. International, Accepted. (2012).
Taylor, A. E., Vajrala, N., Arp, D. J., Myrold, D. D., Bottomley, P. J., 14th International Society for Microbial Ecology Meeting, "Discriminating between the contributions of ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria to soil nitrification," Copenhagen, Denmark. International. (August 2012).
Taylor, A. E. Author & Presenter, Zeglin, L. H. Author, Dooley, S. Author**, Myrold, D. D. Author, Bottomley, P. J. Author, 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, "Differences in contributions of ammonia oxidizing archaea and ammonia oxidizing bacteria to the nitrification potentials of Oregon soils," Seattle, WA. International, Accepted. (August 2010).
Taylor, A. E., Dooley, S., Myrold, D. D., Bottomley, P. J., First International Conference on Nitrification, "Separating the relative contributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria to soil nitrification," Louisville, KY. International. (July 2009).