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Garry Stephenson
- Organic and sustainable farming systems
- Local and regional food systems
- Farmers’ markets
- Beginning farmer and rancher education

Dir-Ctr Sm Farms/Comm Food Sys (retired)
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Office: 541-737-5833
Send an Email
Office: 541-737-5833
Crop Science Building
Crop Science Building 131
3050 SW Campus Way
3050 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Garry is a Professor, Extension Small Farms Specialist and Director of the Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, an alternative farming program at Oregon State University that is striving to change the world through small scale organic/sustainable agriculture and local/regional food systems. He has over 30 years of experience collaborating with small farmers on educational programs and applied research. Over the years, his work has focused on supporting farmers markets, sustainable farming methods, beginning farmer education, and the production and policy needs of organic farmers. His academic training includes graduate degrees in animal science and agricultural anthropology.