Invasive weeds affect all Oregonians in many ways. Invasive weeds can invade crop land, reducing crop yield and quality. Natural areas and woodlands are impacted by invasive weeds that reduce biodiversity and displace plant and wildlife species. Extension publications and bulletins offer tips and techniques on how to manage and control the spread of invasive weeds in Oregon.
Invasive Weeds in Forest Land: Himalayan & Evergreen Blackberry
EC 1594-E
Paterson's Curse (Echium plantagineum) in the Pacific Northwest.
Hulting, A.G., J. Krenz, and R. Parker. 2007. PNW 602-E.
Scotch Broom Biology and Management in the Pacific Northwest.
Hulting, A.G., K. Neff, E. Coombs, R. Parker, G. Miller, and L.C. Burrill. 2008. PNW 103.