Are Higher Yields Possible in Annual Ryegrass Seed Crops? (Year 2)
Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
Effects of Straw Removal on Soil Health in Tall Fescue Seed Production (Year 1)
Monitoring for the Red Clover Casebearer Moth in Eastern Oregon Red Clover Seed Production Regions
Developing Ergot Disease Detection Technology for Enhanced IPM in Grass Seed Crops
Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
The Efficacy of Four Species of Slug-killing Nematodes on the Gray Field Slug
Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
Seed Yield Performance and Flowering Initiation of Twelve Red Clover Varieties (Year 1)
Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and Nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production
Examining the Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of Dry Field Peas in the Willamette Valley
Author Index
Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center
Q. Cheng, Research Associate, Plant Pathology
J.K.S. Dung, Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology
Department of Crop and Soil Science—OSU
T.G. Chastain, Professor, Seed Crop Physiology
Seed Yield Performance and Flowering Initiation of Twelve Red Clover Varieties (Year 1)
Are Higher Yields Possible in Annual Ryegrass Seed Crops? (Year 2)
Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
A.J. Colton, Faculty Research Assistant, Invertebrate Pests
B.C. Donovan, Faculty Research Assistant, Seed Crop Extension
Seed Yield Performance and Flowering Initiation of Twelve Red Clover Varieties (Year 1)
Are Higher Yields Possible in Annual Ryegrass Seed Crops? (Year 2)
Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
C.J. Garbacik, Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Seed Crop Physiology
Seed Yield Performance and Flowering Initiation of Twelve Red Clover Varieties (Year 1)
Are Higher Yields Possible in Annual Ryegrass Seed Crops? (Year 2)
Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
N. Kaur, Assistant Professor, Extension Entomology Specialist
R.J. McDonnell, Assistant Professor, Slug Specialist
A.D. Moore, Assistant Professor, Extension Soil Fertility Specialist
- Effects of Straw Removal on Soil Health in Tall Fescue Seed Production (Year 1)
- Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
D.M. Sullivan, Professor, Soil Fertility
T.B. Tubbs, Graduate Student, Seed Crop Physiology
Extension Service—OSU
N.P. Anderson, Area Extension Agronomist, North Willamette Valley
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and Nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production
- Seed Yield Performance and Flowering Initiation of Twelve Red Clover Varieties (Year 1)
- Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
- Are Higher Yields Possible in Annual Ryegrass Seed Crops? (Year 2)
- Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
- Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon (2019)
- Spring-applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Seed Yield of Third-year Orchardgrass
- Monitoring for the Red Clover Casebearer Moth in Eastern Oregon Red Clover Seed Production Regions
W.P. Jessie, Field Crops Extension Agent, South Willamette Valley
- Examining the Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of Dry Field Peas in the Willamette Valley
- Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
- Effects of Straw Removal on Soil Health in Tall Fescue Seed Production (Year 1)
C.S. Sullivan, Small Farms and Community Food Systems Agent, Deschutes County
- Examining the Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of Dry Field Peas in the Willamette Valley
- Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
K.C. Tanner, Field Crops Extension Agent, Malheur County
E.C. Verhoeven, Field Crops Extension Agent, Marion County
- Examining the Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of Dry Field Peas in the Willamette Valley
- Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
- Effects of Straw Removal on Soil Health in Tall Fescue Seed Production (Year 1)
D.L. Walenta, Area Extension Agronomist, Union County
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and Nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production
- Evaluation of Bifenthrin Resistance in Field-collected Clover Seed Weevils
- Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
- Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon (2019)
- Developing Ergot Disease Detection Technology for Enhanced IPM in Grass Seed Crops
- Crop Tolerance and Rattail Fescue Control with Dry/liquid Herbicide Formulations in Dryland Creeping Red Fescue Seed Crops in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon
- Monitoring for the Red Clover Casebearer Moth in Eastern Oregon Red Clover Seed Production Regions
Hermiston Experiment Station
K.E. Frost, Assistant Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology
S.B. Lukas, Assistant Professor, Horticulture
R. Qin, Assistant Professor, Soil Fertility and Agronomy
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and Nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production
- Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky Bluegrass in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
Department of Horticulute - Iowa State University
S. Fei, Professor, Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics
Department of Integrative Biology - OSU
D.R. Denver, Professor
D.K. Howe, Senior Faculty Research Assistant
Charles Ortiz, President
Orin Nusbaum, Second Vice President
Don Doerfler, Treasurer
Kent Burkholder, Immediate Past President