- Pest Slugs in Western Oregon Seed Crops: Stakeholder Knowledge, Baiting Strategies, and Attitude Toward Novel Management Tools
- Weed Management in Carbon-Seeded Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrasswith Preemergence Herbicides
- Sequential Herbicide Applications for Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Controlin Established Kentucky Bluegrass Following Late-Season Propane Flaming in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon
- Spring-Applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Orchardgrass Seed Yield
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Turf-Type and Forage-Type Tall Fescue Seed Crops
- Examining Possible Benefits of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Second-Year Tall Fescue Seed Crops
- Exploring Alternative Herbicides for Row Spraying at Planting in New Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fields
- Investigating the Impact of Row Spraying on Established White Clover
- Cold Tolerance Evaluation of Four Annual Ryegrass Varieties Grown in OregonUsing a Thermogradient Table
Author Index
Blue Mountain Seeds, Inc., Imbler, OR
B. Merrigan, General Manager
Cooperative Extension Service—OSU
N.P. Anderson, Area Extension Agronomist, North Willamette Valley
- Pest Slugs in Western Oregon Seed Crops: Stakeholder Knowledge, Baiting Strategies, and Attitude Toward Novel Management Tools
- Spring-Applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Orchardgrass Seed Yield
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Turf-Type and Forage-Type Tall Fescue Seed Crops
- Examining Possible Benefits of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Second-Year Tall Fescue Seed Crops
M. Mellbye, Area Extension Agronomist (emeritus), Linn County
C.S. Sullivan, Small Farms and Community Food Systems Agent, Deschutes County
- Exploring Alternative Herbicides for Row Spraying at Planting in New Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fields
- Investigating the Impact of Row Spraying on Established White Clover
D.L. Walenta, Area Extension Agronomist, Union County
Department of Crop and Soil Science—OSU
T.G. Chastain, Professor, Seed Crop Physiology
- Spring-Applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Orchardgrass Seed Yield
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Turf-Type and Forage-Type Tall Fescue Seed Crops
- Examining Possible Benefits of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Second-Year Tall Fescue Seed Crops
D.W. Curtis, Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Weed Science
- Weed Management in Carbon-Seeded Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrasswith Preemergence Herbicides
- Sequential Herbicide Applications for Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Controlin Established Kentucky Bluegrass Following Late-Season Propane Flaming in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon
- Exploring Alternative Herbicides for Row Spraying at Planting in New Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fields
S. Elias, Professor, Seed Science and Technology
C.J. Garbacik, Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Seed Crop Physiology
- Spring-Applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Orchardgrass Seed Yield
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Turf-Type and Forage-Type Tall Fescue Seed Crops
- Examining Possible Benefits of Plant Growth Regulator Mixtures on Second-Year Tall Fescue Seed Crops
T. Hudgins, Graduate Student, Seed Crop Physiology
A.G. Hulting, Associate Professor, Extension Weed Specialist
- Weed Management in Carbon-Seeded Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrasswith Preemergence Herbicides
- Sequential Herbicide Applications for Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Controlin Established Kentucky Bluegrass Following Late-Season Propane Flaming in the Grande Ronde Valley of Northeastern Oregon
- Exploring Alternative Herbicides for Row Spraying at Planting in New Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fields
- Investigating the Impact of Row Spraying on Established White Clover
C.A. Mallory-Smith, Professor (emeritus), Weed Science
- Weed Management in Carbon-Seeded Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrasswith Preemergence Herbicides
- Exploring Alternative Herbicides for Row Spraying at Planting in New Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fields
R.J. McDonnell, Assistant Professor, Slug Specialist
A.D. Moore, Assistant Professor, Extension Soil Fertility Specialist
K.C. Roerig, Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Weed Science
- Weed Management in Carbon-Seeded Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrasswith Preemergence Herbicides
- Investigating the Impact of Row Spraying on Established White Clover
Oregon State University Seed Lab
Y. Wu, Biological Science Research Technician